With our Cyber Week offer, customers can use their code to unlock savings of up to 35% off select events. Savings offer will vary based on event and seat location. Offer expires 11:59 p.m. local time on December 8, 2024.
No, the Cyber Week discount cannot be applied to previous purchases.
The Cyber Week offer code is NOT a checkout code. It should be entered before selecting seats. For example, Ticketmaster customers should enter it in the “Unlock Code” section before selecting seats.
No, this offer is available online only.
The Cyber Week offer is valid for select events only. Savings offer is also not available on all seats. Check the Cyber Week landing page for a list of participating markets. Enter code prior to seat selection to see if an offer applies.
No, double discounts are not available with this offer.
The Cyber Week discount is valid on up to 8 tickets per order. Groups of more than 8 are encouraged to visit your local Event Page for Group Sales ticket information or to contact your local venue for details.
Click the “Unlock” button
Still have questions? Please reach out directly to Customer Service: https://www.feldentertainment.com/customer-service/