Skip to content
    [0] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460759
            [FkProfileID] => 2967188
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 1
            [AMA] => 136928
            [Comp] => 1E
            [FullName] => Chase Sexton
            [Hometown] => Clermont, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 218
            [Wins] => 5
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 5
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 4
            [WorstPoints] => 19
            [LastFinish] => 1
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 23
            [F01] => 2
            [FP01] => 2
            [P02] => 26
            [F02] => 1
            [FP02] => 1
            [P03] => 26
            [F03] => 1
            [FP03] => 1
            [P04] => 23
            [F04] => 2
            [FP04] => 2
            [P05] => 23
            [F05] => 2
            [FP05] => 2
            [P06] => 19
            [F06] => 4
            [FP06] => 4
            [P07] => 26
            [F07] => 1
            [FP07] => 1
            [P08] => 26
            [F08] => 1
            [FP08] => 1
            [P09] => 26
            [F09] => 1
            [FP09] => 1
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => X
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => X
            [LL08] => X
            [LL09] => X
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => X
            [BQ07] => X
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [1] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460758
            [FkProfileID] => 2967211
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 2
            [AMA] => 132590
            [Comp] => 12
            [FullName] => Shane Mcelrath
            [Hometown] => Murrieta, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 209
            [Wins] => 3
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 3
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 4
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 5
            [WorstPoints] => 18
            [LastFinish] => 2
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 26
            [F01] => 1
            [FP01] => 1
            [P02] => 23
            [F02] => 2
            [FP02] => 2
            [P03] => 21
            [F03] => 3
            [FP03] => 3
            [P04] => 18
            [F04] => 5
            [FP04] => 5
            [P05] => 26
            [F05] => 1
            [FP05] => 1
            [P06] => 26
            [F06] => 1
            [FP06] => 1
            [P07] => 23
            [F07] => 2
            [FP07] => 2
            [P08] => 23
            [F08] => 2
            [FP08] => 2
            [P09] => 23
            [F09] => 2
            [FP09] => 2
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => X
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => X
            [LL06] => X
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => X
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => X
            [BQ05] => X
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => X
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [2] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460767
            [FkProfileID] => 2967475
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 3
            [AMA] => 142274
            [Comp] => 84
            [FullName] => Jo Shimoda
            [Hometown] => Irvine, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 122
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 5
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 7
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 8
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 13
            [F01] => 10
            [FP01] => 10
            [P02] => 13
            [F02] => 10
            [FP02] => 10
            [P03] => 18
            [F03] => 5
            [FP03] => 5
            [P04] => 16
            [F04] => 7
            [FP04] => 7
            [P05] => 2
            [F05] => 21
            [FP05] => 21
            [P06] => 15
            [F06] => 8
            [FP06] => 8
            [P07] => 12
            [F07] => 11
            [FP07] => 11
            [P08] => 18
            [F08] => 5
            [FP08] => 5
            [P09] => 15
            [F09] => 8
            [FP09] => 8
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [3] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460761
            [FkProfileID] => 2893584
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 4
            [AMA] => 350276
            [Comp] => 36
            [FullName] => Garrett Marchbanks
            [Hometown] => Coalville, UT
            [TotalPoints] => 119
            [Wins] => 1
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 3
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2065
            [P01] => 19
            [F01] => 4
            [FP01] => 4
            [P02] => 18
            [F02] => 5
            [FP02] => 5
            [P03] => 16
            [F03] => 7
            [FP03] => 7
            [P04] => 26
            [F04] => 1
            [FP04] => 1
            [P05] => 21
            [F05] => 3
            [FP05] => 3
            [P06] => 18
            [F06] => 5
            [FP06] => 5
            [P07] => 1
            [F07] => 22
            [FP07] => 22
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => X
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [4] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460776
            [FkProfileID] => 2894172
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 5
            [AMA] => 350464
            [Comp] => 66
            [FullName] => Enzo Lopes
            [Hometown] => Huntersville, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 107
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 6
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 7
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 13
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 4
            [F01] => 19
            [FP01] => 19
            [P02] => 15
            [F02] => 8
            [FP02] => 8
            [P03] => 17
            [F03] => 6
            [FP03] => 6
            [P04] => 15
            [F04] => 8
            [FP04] => 8
            [P05] => 15
            [F05] => 8
            [FP05] => 8
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 15
            [F07] => 8
            [FP07] => 8
            [P08] => 16
            [F08] => 7
            [FP08] => 7
            [P09] => 10
            [F09] => 13
            [FP09] => 13
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [5] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460760
            [FkProfileID] => 2893535
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 6
            [AMA] => 129074
            [Comp] => 6
            [FullName] => Jeremy Martin
            [Hometown] => Rochester, MN
            [TotalPoints] => 105
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 3
            [NumBestFinish] => 3
            [SecondBestFinish] => 4
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 3
            [LastRace] => S2060
            [P01] => 21
            [F01] => 3
            [FP01] => 3
            [P02] => 19
            [F02] => 4
            [FP02] => 4
            [P03] => 4
            [F03] => 19
            [FP03] => 19
            [P04] => 21
            [F04] => 3
            [FP04] => 3
            [P05] => 19
            [F05] => 4
            [FP05] => 4
            [P06] => 21
            [F06] => 3
            [FP06] => 3
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => X
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [6] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460810
            [FkProfileID] => 2896187
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 7
            [AMA] => 351288
            [Comp] => 352
            [FullName] => Jalek Swoll
            [Hometown] => Belleview, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 104
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 6
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 7
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 14
            [F02] => 9
            [FP02] => 9
            [P03] => 14
            [F03] => 9
            [FP03] => 9
            [P04] => 14
            [F04] => 9
            [FP04] => 9
            [P05] => 16
            [F05] => 7
            [FP05] => 7
            [P06] => 16
            [F06] => 7
            [FP06] => 7
            [P07] => 17
            [F07] => 6
            [FP07] => 6
            [P08] => 9
            [F08] => 14
            [FP08] => 14
            [P09] => 4
            [F09] => 19
            [FP09] => 19
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [7] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460764
            [FkProfileID] => 2894179
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 8
            [AMA] => 127279
            [Comp] => 38
            [FullName] => Kyle Peters
            [Hometown] => Greensboro, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 94
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 5
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 6
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 15
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 16
            [F01] => 7
            [FP01] => 7
            [P02] => 1
            [F02] => 22
            [FP02] => 22
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 17
            [F05] => 6
            [FP05] => 6
            [P06] => 17
            [F06] => 6
            [FP06] => 6
            [P07] => 18
            [F07] => 5
            [FP07] => 5
            [P08] => 17
            [F08] => 6
            [FP08] => 6
            [P09] => 8
            [F09] => 15
            [FP09] => 15
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [8] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460848
            [FkProfileID] => 2967190
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 9
            [AMA] => 141940
            [Comp] => 163
            [FullName] => Pierce Brown
            [Hometown] => Sandy, UT
            [TotalPoints] => 92
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 4
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 5
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 6
            [LastFinish] => 4
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 6
            [F03] => 17
            [FP03] => 17
            [P04] => 17
            [F04] => 6
            [FP04] => 6
            [P05] => 18
            [F05] => 5
            [FP05] => 5
            [P06] => 13
            [F06] => 10
            [FP06] => 10
            [P07] => 19
            [F07] => 4
            [FP07] => 4
            [P08] => 19
            [F08] => 4
            [FP08] => 4
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [9] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460763
            [FkProfileID] => 2897120
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 10
            [AMA] => 134378
            [Comp] => 24
            [FullName] => Rj Hampshire
            [Hometown] => Minneola, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 80
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 2
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 3
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 6
            [WorstPoints] => 17
            [LastFinish] => 4
            [LastRace] => S2050
            [P01] => 17
            [F01] => 6
            [FP01] => 6
            [P02] => 21
            [F02] => 3
            [FP02] => 3
            [P03] => 23
            [F03] => 2
            [FP03] => 2
            [P04] => 19
            [F04] => 4
            [FP04] => 4
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [10] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619597
            [FkProfileID] => 2967454
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 11
            [AMA] => 132667
            [Comp] => 13
            [FullName] => Colt Nichols
            [Hometown] => Murrieta, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 74
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 2
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 3
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 8
            [F05] => 15
            [FP05] => 15
            [P06] => 23
            [F06] => 2
            [FP06] => 2
            [P07] => 21
            [F07] => 3
            [FP07] => 3
            [P08] => 21
            [F08] => 3
            [FP08] => 3
            [P09] => 1
            [F09] => 22
            [FP09] => 22
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [11] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460768
            [FkProfileID] => 2894178
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 12
            [AMA] => 132165
            [Comp] => 159
            [FullName] => Jace Owen
            [Hometown] => Mattoon, IL
            [TotalPoints] => 69
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 9
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 11
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 12
            [F01] => 11
            [FP01] => 11
            [P02] => 5
            [F02] => 18
            [FP02] => 18
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 9
            [F04] => 14
            [FP04] => 14
            [P05] => 14
            [F05] => 9
            [FP05] => 9
            [P06] => 12
            [F06] => 11
            [FP06] => 11
            [P07] => 14
            [F07] => 9
            [FP07] => 9
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 3
            [F09] => 20
            [FP09] => 20
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [12] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619595
            [FkProfileID] => 2893580
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 13
            [AMA] => 300984
            [Comp] => 49
            [FullName] => Chris Blose
            [Hometown] => Phoenix, AZ
            [TotalPoints] => 65
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 7
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 8
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 14
            [WorstPoints] => 9
            [LastFinish] => 14
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 11
            [F05] => 12
            [FP05] => 12
            [P06] => 14
            [F06] => 9
            [FP06] => 9
            [P07] => 16
            [F07] => 7
            [FP07] => 7
            [P08] => 15
            [F08] => 8
            [FP08] => 8
            [P09] => 9
            [F09] => 14
            [FP09] => 14
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [13] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460772
            [FkProfileID] => 2893772
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 14
            [AMA] => 134377
            [Comp] => 43
            [FullName] => John Short
            [Hometown] => Pilot Point, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 64
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 10
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 12
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 17
            [LastRace] => S2085
            [P01] => 8
            [F01] => 15
            [FP01] => 15
            [P02] => 11
            [F02] => 12
            [FP02] => 12
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 13
            [F05] => 10
            [FP05] => 10
            [P06] => 10
            [F06] => 13
            [FP06] => 13
            [P07] => 13
            [F07] => 10
            [FP07] => 10
            [P08] => 3
            [F08] => 20
            [FP08] => 20
            [P09] => 6
            [F09] => 17
            [FP09] => 17
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [14] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460774
            [FkProfileID] => 2894154
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 15
            [AMA] => 350266
            [Comp] => 39
            [FullName] => Jordan Bailey
            [Hometown] => Orlando, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 64
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 11
            [NumBestFinish] => 3
            [SecondBestFinish] => 12
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 6
            [LastFinish] => 12
            [LastRace] => S2060
            [P01] => 6
            [F01] => 17
            [FP01] => 17
            [P02] => 12
            [F02] => 11
            [FP02] => 11
            [P03] => 11
            [F03] => 12
            [FP03] => 12
            [P04] => 12
            [F04] => 11
            [FP04] => 11
            [P05] => 12
            [F05] => 11
            [FP05] => 11
            [P06] => 11
            [F06] => 12
            [FP06] => 12
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [15] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460762
            [FkProfileID] => 2893540
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 16
            [AMA] => 135315
            [Comp] => 54
            [FullName] => Jordon Smith
            [Hometown] => Ochlocknee, GA
            [TotalPoints] => 48
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 4
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 5
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2050
            [P01] => 18
            [F01] => 5
            [FP01] => 5
            [P02] => 10
            [F02] => 13
            [FP02] => 13
            [P03] => 19
            [F03] => 4
            [FP03] => 4
            [P04] => 1
            [F04] => 22
            [FP04] => 22
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [16] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460777
            [FkProfileID] => 2893585
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 17
            [AMA] => 301225
            [Comp] => 56
            [FullName] => Justin Starling
            [Hometown] => Deland, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 46
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 12
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 13
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 12
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 3
            [F01] => 20
            [FP01] => 20
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 7
            [F03] => 16
            [FP03] => 16
            [P04] => 8
            [F04] => 15
            [FP04] => 15
            [P05] => 1
            [F05] => 22
            [FP05] => 22
            [P06] => 6
            [F06] => 17
            [FP06] => 17
            [P07] => 10
            [F07] => 13
            [FP07] => 13
            [P08] => 11
            [F08] => 12
            [FP08] => 12
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [17] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460812
            [FkProfileID] => 2894171
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 18
            [AMA] => 350485
            [Comp] => 47
            [FullName] => Lorenzo Locurcio
            [Hometown] => Groveland, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 45
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 9
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 12
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 9
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 9
            [F02] => 14
            [FP02] => 14
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 11
            [F04] => 12
            [FP04] => 12
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 8
            [F06] => 15
            [FP06] => 15
            [P07] => 3
            [F07] => 20
            [FP07] => 20
            [P08] => 14
            [F08] => 9
            [FP08] => 9
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [18] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460769
            [FkProfileID] => 2894166
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 19
            [AMA] => 301664
            [Comp] => 175
            [FullName] => Joshua Hill
            [Hometown] => Huntersville, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 43
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 6
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 10
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 21
            [LastRace] => S2050
            [P01] => 11
            [F01] => 12
            [FP01] => 12
            [P02] => 17
            [F02] => 6
            [FP02] => 6
            [P03] => 13
            [F03] => 10
            [FP03] => 10
            [P04] => 2
            [F04] => 21
            [FP04] => 21
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [19] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460779
            [FkProfileID] => 2893491
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 20
            [AMA] => 136673
            [Comp] => 981
            [FullName] => Curren Thurman
            [Hometown] => Rosharon, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 37
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 11
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 15
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 11
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 1
            [F01] => 22
            [FP01] => 22
            [P02] => 8
            [F02] => 15
            [FP02] => 15
            [P03] => 2
            [F03] => 21
            [FP03] => 21
            [P04] => 7
            [F04] => 16
            [FP04] => 16
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 7
            [F06] => 16
            [FP06] => 16
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 12
            [F08] => 11
            [FP08] => 11
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [20] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460770
            [FkProfileID] => 2896184
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 21
            [AMA] => 350095
            [Comp] => 201
            [FullName] => Cedric Soubeyras
            [Hometown] => Plant City, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 35
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 10
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 11
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 13
            [WorstPoints] => 10
            [LastFinish] => 10
            [LastRace] => S2050
            [P01] => 10
            [F01] => 13
            [FP01] => 13
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 12
            [F03] => 11
            [FP03] => 11
            [P04] => 13
            [F04] => 10
            [FP04] => 10
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [21] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460815
            [FkProfileID] => 2894176
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 22
            [AMA] => 138324
            [Comp] => 77
            [FullName] => Kevin Moranz
            [Hometown] => Topeka, KS
            [TotalPoints] => 35
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 13
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 14
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 13
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 4
            [F02] => 19
            [FP02] => 19
            [P03] => 9
            [F03] => 14
            [FP03] => 14
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 6
            [F05] => 17
            [FP05] => 17
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 6
            [F07] => 17
            [FP07] => 17
            [P08] => 10
            [F08] => 13
            [FP08] => 13
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [22] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460857
            [FkProfileID] => 2894174
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 23
            [AMA] => 350478
            [Comp] => 73
            [FullName] => Chase Marquier
            [Hometown] => Newcastle, OK
            [TotalPoints] => 33
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 10
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 16
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 10
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 6
            [F04] => 17
            [FP04] => 17
            [P05] => 7
            [F05] => 16
            [FP05] => 16
            [P06] => 5
            [F06] => 18
            [FP06] => 18
            [P07] => 2
            [F07] => 21
            [FP07] => 21
            [P08] => 13
            [F08] => 10
            [FP08] => 10
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [23] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619596
            [FkProfileID] => 2897046
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 24
            [AMA] => 350673
            [Comp] => 59
            [FullName] => Joshua Osby
            [Hometown] => Valparaiso, IN
            [TotalPoints] => 33
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 13
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 14
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 16
            [WorstPoints] => 7
            [LastFinish] => 16
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 10
            [F05] => 13
            [FP05] => 13
            [P06] => 9
            [F06] => 14
            [FP06] => 14
            [P07] => 7
            [F07] => 16
            [FP07] => 16
            [P08] => 7
            [F08] => 16
            [FP08] => 16
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [24] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460765
            [FkProfileID] => 2894157
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 25
            [AMA] => 350037
            [Comp] => 355
            [FullName] => Joey Crown
            [Hometown] => Metamora, MI
            [TotalPoints] => 31
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 7
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 8
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 8
            [WorstPoints] => 15
            [LastFinish] => 7
            [LastRace] => S2040
            [P01] => 15
            [F01] => 8
            [FP01] => 8
            [P02] => 16
            [F02] => 7
            [FP02] => 7
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [25] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460775
            [FkProfileID] => 2894180
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 26
            [AMA] => 350273
            [Comp] => 367
            [FullName] => Hunter Sayles
            [Hometown] => Chassell, MI
            [TotalPoints] => 30
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 12
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 15
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 5
            [LastFinish] => 17
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 5
            [F01] => 18
            [FP01] => 18
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 8
            [F03] => 15
            [FP03] => 15
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 11
            [F07] => 12
            [FP07] => 12
            [P08] => 6
            [F08] => 17
            [FP08] => 17
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [26] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460771
            [FkProfileID] => 2894160
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 27
            [AMA] => 350013
            [Comp] => 68
            [FullName] => Nick Gaines
            [Hometown] => Ringgold, GA
            [TotalPoints] => 28
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 8
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 14
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S2055
            [P01] => 9
            [F01] => 14
            [FP01] => 14
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 15
            [F03] => 8
            [FP03] => 8
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 4
            [F05] => 19
            [FP05] => 19
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [27] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460766
            [FkProfileID] => 2893467
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 28
            [AMA] => 301080
            [Comp] => 53
            [FullName] => James Decotis
            [Hometown] => Huntersville, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 24
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 9
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 13
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 13
            [WorstPoints] => 10
            [LastFinish] => 13
            [LastRace] => S2045
            [P01] => 14
            [F01] => 9
            [FP01] => 9
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 10
            [F03] => 13
            [FP03] => 13
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [28] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460849
            [FkProfileID] => 2894146
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 29
            [AMA] => 141096
            [Comp] => 349
            [FullName] => Grant Harlan
            [Hometown] => Justin, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 24
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 13
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 14
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 5
            [LastFinish] => 14
            [LastRace] => S2055
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 5
            [F03] => 18
            [FP03] => 18
            [P04] => 10
            [F04] => 13
            [FP04] => 13
            [P05] => 9
            [F05] => 14
            [FP05] => 14
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [29] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460811
            [FkProfileID] => 2893654
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 30
            [AMA] => 350894
            [Comp] => 332
            [FullName] => Dustin Winter
            [Hometown] => Clearwater, KS
            [TotalPoints] => 20
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 16
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 18
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S2060
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 7
            [F02] => 16
            [FP02] => 16
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 4
            [F04] => 19
            [FP04] => 19
            [P05] => 5
            [F05] => 18
            [FP05] => 18
            [P06] => 4
            [F06] => 19
            [FP06] => 19
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [30] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619601
            [FkProfileID] => 2896353
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 31
            [AMA] => 350286
            [Comp] => 157
            [FullName] => Darian Sanayei
            [Hometown] => Murrieta , CA
            [TotalPoints] => 16
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 15
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 18
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 15
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 3
            [F06] => 20
            [FP06] => 20
            [P07] => 5
            [F07] => 18
            [FP07] => 18
            [P08] => 8
            [F08] => 15
            [FP08] => 15
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [31] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460858
            [FkProfileID] => 2894162
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 32
            [AMA] => 351076
            [Comp] => 128
            [FullName] => Carter Halpain
            [Hometown] => Lubbock, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 14
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 14
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 18
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 5
            [LastFinish] => 14
            [LastRace] => S2065
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 5
            [F04] => 18
            [FP04] => 18
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 9
            [F07] => 14
            [FP07] => 14
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [32] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460814
            [FkProfileID] => 2894158
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 33
            [AMA] => 351174
            [Comp] => 185
            [FullName] => Wilson Fleming
            [Hometown] => Jacksonville, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 12
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 15
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 21
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 15
            [LastRace] => S2065
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 2
            [F02] => 21
            [FP02] => 21
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 2
            [F06] => 21
            [FP06] => 21
            [P07] => 8
            [F07] => 15
            [FP07] => 15
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [33] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460773
            [FkProfileID] => 2893572
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 34
            [AMA] => 136235
            [Comp] => 67
            [FullName] => Jerry Robin
            [Hometown] => Hamel, MN
            [TotalPoints] => 12
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 16
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 20
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 7
            [F01] => 16
            [FP01] => 16
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 3
            [F05] => 20
            [FP05] => 20
            [P06] => 1
            [F06] => 22
            [FP06] => 22
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 1
            [F08] => 22
            [FP08] => 22
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [34] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460850
            [FkProfileID] => 2894148
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 35
            [AMA] => 139543
            [Comp] => 125
            [FullName] => Luke Neese
            [Hometown] => Jamestown, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 8
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 18
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 20
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 18
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 3
            [F03] => 20
            [FP03] => 20
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 5
            [F08] => 18
            [FP08] => 18
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [35] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460859
            [FkProfileID] => 2896576
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 36
            [AMA] => 350481
            [Comp] => 258
            [FullName] => Justin Rodbell
            [Hometown] => Prince Frederick, MD
            [TotalPoints] => 7
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 19
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 20
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 3
            [F04] => 20
            [FP04] => 20
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 4
            [F08] => 19
            [FP08] => 19
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [36] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460813
            [FkProfileID] => 2896354
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 37
            [AMA] => 350675
            [Comp] => 725
            [FullName] => Richard Jackson
            [Hometown] => Holdenville, OK
            [TotalPoints] => 6
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 17
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 6
            [LastFinish] => 17
            [LastRace] => S2040
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 6
            [F02] => 17
            [FP02] => 17
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [37] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619606
            [FkProfileID] => 2893539
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 38
            [AMA] => 136869
            [Comp] => 75
            [FullName] => Coty Schock
            [Hometown] => Dover, DE
            [TotalPoints] => 6
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 19
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 21
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 21
            [LastRace] => S2080
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 4
            [F07] => 19
            [FP07] => 19
            [P08] => 2
            [F08] => 21
            [FP08] => 21
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [38] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460778
            [FkProfileID] => 2896188
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 39
            [AMA] => 136634
            [Comp] => 79
            [FullName] => Isaac Teasdale
            [Hometown] => Robbinsville, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 5
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 20
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 21
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S2040
            [P01] => 2
            [F01] => 21
            [FP01] => 21
            [P02] => 3
            [F02] => 20
            [FP02] => 20
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [39] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460851
            [FkProfileID] => 2894169
            [FkClassID] => 53431
            [Year] => 2020
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 40
            [AMA] => 350489
            [Comp] => 194
            [FullName] => Lance Kobusch
            [Hometown] => New Florence, MO
            [TotalPoints] => 1
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 22
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2045
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 1
            [F03] => 22
            [FP03] => 22
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2035
            [Sanction02] => S2040
            [Sanction03] => S2045
            [Sanction04] => S2050
            [Sanction05] => S2055
            [Sanction06] => S2060
            [Sanction07] => S2065
            [Sanction08] => S2080
            [Sanction09] => S2085
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460759
    [FkProfileID] => 2967188
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 1
    [AMA] => 136928
    [Comp] => 1E
    [FullName] => Chase Sexton
    [Hometown] => Clermont, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 218
    [Wins] => 5
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 5
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 4
    [WorstPoints] => 19
    [LastFinish] => 1
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 23
    [F01] => 2
    [FP01] => 2
    [P02] => 26
    [F02] => 1
    [FP02] => 1
    [P03] => 26
    [F03] => 1
    [FP03] => 1
    [P04] => 23
    [F04] => 2
    [FP04] => 2
    [P05] => 23
    [F05] => 2
    [FP05] => 2
    [P06] => 19
    [F06] => 4
    [FP06] => 4
    [P07] => 26
    [F07] => 1
    [FP07] => 1
    [P08] => 26
    [F08] => 1
    [FP08] => 1
    [P09] => 26
    [F09] => 1
    [FP09] => 1
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => X
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => X
    [LL08] => X
    [LL09] => X
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => X
    [BQ07] => X
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460758
    [FkProfileID] => 2967211
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 2
    [AMA] => 132590
    [Comp] => 12
    [FullName] => Shane Mcelrath
    [Hometown] => Murrieta, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 209
    [Wins] => 3
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 3
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 4
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 5
    [WorstPoints] => 18
    [LastFinish] => 2
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 26
    [F01] => 1
    [FP01] => 1
    [P02] => 23
    [F02] => 2
    [FP02] => 2
    [P03] => 21
    [F03] => 3
    [FP03] => 3
    [P04] => 18
    [F04] => 5
    [FP04] => 5
    [P05] => 26
    [F05] => 1
    [FP05] => 1
    [P06] => 26
    [F06] => 1
    [FP06] => 1
    [P07] => 23
    [F07] => 2
    [FP07] => 2
    [P08] => 23
    [F08] => 2
    [FP08] => 2
    [P09] => 23
    [F09] => 2
    [FP09] => 2
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => X
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => X
    [LL06] => X
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => X
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => X
    [BQ05] => X
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => X
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460767
    [FkProfileID] => 2967475
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 3
    [AMA] => 142274
    [Comp] => 84
    [FullName] => Jo Shimoda
    [Hometown] => Irvine, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 122
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 5
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 7
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 8
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 13
    [F01] => 10
    [FP01] => 10
    [P02] => 13
    [F02] => 10
    [FP02] => 10
    [P03] => 18
    [F03] => 5
    [FP03] => 5
    [P04] => 16
    [F04] => 7
    [FP04] => 7
    [P05] => 2
    [F05] => 21
    [FP05] => 21
    [P06] => 15
    [F06] => 8
    [FP06] => 8
    [P07] => 12
    [F07] => 11
    [FP07] => 11
    [P08] => 18
    [F08] => 5
    [FP08] => 5
    [P09] => 15
    [F09] => 8
    [FP09] => 8
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460761
    [FkProfileID] => 2893584
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 4
    [AMA] => 350276
    [Comp] => 36
    [FullName] => Garrett Marchbanks
    [Hometown] => Coalville, UT
    [TotalPoints] => 119
    [Wins] => 1
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 3
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2065
    [P01] => 19
    [F01] => 4
    [FP01] => 4
    [P02] => 18
    [F02] => 5
    [FP02] => 5
    [P03] => 16
    [F03] => 7
    [FP03] => 7
    [P04] => 26
    [F04] => 1
    [FP04] => 1
    [P05] => 21
    [F05] => 3
    [FP05] => 3
    [P06] => 18
    [F06] => 5
    [FP06] => 5
    [P07] => 1
    [F07] => 22
    [FP07] => 22
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => X
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460776
    [FkProfileID] => 2894172
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 5
    [AMA] => 350464
    [Comp] => 66
    [FullName] => Enzo Lopes
    [Hometown] => Huntersville, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 107
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 6
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 7
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 13
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 4
    [F01] => 19
    [FP01] => 19
    [P02] => 15
    [F02] => 8
    [FP02] => 8
    [P03] => 17
    [F03] => 6
    [FP03] => 6
    [P04] => 15
    [F04] => 8
    [FP04] => 8
    [P05] => 15
    [F05] => 8
    [FP05] => 8
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 15
    [F07] => 8
    [FP07] => 8
    [P08] => 16
    [F08] => 7
    [FP08] => 7
    [P09] => 10
    [F09] => 13
    [FP09] => 13
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460760
    [FkProfileID] => 2893535
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 6
    [AMA] => 129074
    [Comp] => 6
    [FullName] => Jeremy Martin
    [Hometown] => Rochester, MN
    [TotalPoints] => 105
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 3
    [NumBestFinish] => 3
    [SecondBestFinish] => 4
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 3
    [LastRace] => S2060
    [P01] => 21
    [F01] => 3
    [FP01] => 3
    [P02] => 19
    [F02] => 4
    [FP02] => 4
    [P03] => 4
    [F03] => 19
    [FP03] => 19
    [P04] => 21
    [F04] => 3
    [FP04] => 3
    [P05] => 19
    [F05] => 4
    [FP05] => 4
    [P06] => 21
    [F06] => 3
    [FP06] => 3
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => X
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460810
    [FkProfileID] => 2896187
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 7
    [AMA] => 351288
    [Comp] => 352
    [FullName] => Jalek Swoll
    [Hometown] => Belleview, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 104
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 6
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 7
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 14
    [F02] => 9
    [FP02] => 9
    [P03] => 14
    [F03] => 9
    [FP03] => 9
    [P04] => 14
    [F04] => 9
    [FP04] => 9
    [P05] => 16
    [F05] => 7
    [FP05] => 7
    [P06] => 16
    [F06] => 7
    [FP06] => 7
    [P07] => 17
    [F07] => 6
    [FP07] => 6
    [P08] => 9
    [F08] => 14
    [FP08] => 14
    [P09] => 4
    [F09] => 19
    [FP09] => 19
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460764
    [FkProfileID] => 2894179
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 8
    [AMA] => 127279
    [Comp] => 38
    [FullName] => Kyle Peters
    [Hometown] => Greensboro, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 94
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 5
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 6
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 15
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 16
    [F01] => 7
    [FP01] => 7
    [P02] => 1
    [F02] => 22
    [FP02] => 22
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 17
    [F05] => 6
    [FP05] => 6
    [P06] => 17
    [F06] => 6
    [FP06] => 6
    [P07] => 18
    [F07] => 5
    [FP07] => 5
    [P08] => 17
    [F08] => 6
    [FP08] => 6
    [P09] => 8
    [F09] => 15
    [FP09] => 15
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460848
    [FkProfileID] => 2967190
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 9
    [AMA] => 141940
    [Comp] => 163
    [FullName] => Pierce Brown
    [Hometown] => Sandy, UT
    [TotalPoints] => 92
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 4
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 5
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 6
    [LastFinish] => 4
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 6
    [F03] => 17
    [FP03] => 17
    [P04] => 17
    [F04] => 6
    [FP04] => 6
    [P05] => 18
    [F05] => 5
    [FP05] => 5
    [P06] => 13
    [F06] => 10
    [FP06] => 10
    [P07] => 19
    [F07] => 4
    [FP07] => 4
    [P08] => 19
    [F08] => 4
    [FP08] => 4
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460763
    [FkProfileID] => 2897120
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 10
    [AMA] => 134378
    [Comp] => 24
    [FullName] => Rj Hampshire
    [Hometown] => Minneola, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 80
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 2
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 3
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 6
    [WorstPoints] => 17
    [LastFinish] => 4
    [LastRace] => S2050
    [P01] => 17
    [F01] => 6
    [FP01] => 6
    [P02] => 21
    [F02] => 3
    [FP02] => 3
    [P03] => 23
    [F03] => 2
    [FP03] => 2
    [P04] => 19
    [F04] => 4
    [FP04] => 4
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619597
    [FkProfileID] => 2967454
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 11
    [AMA] => 132667
    [Comp] => 13
    [FullName] => Colt Nichols
    [Hometown] => Murrieta, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 74
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 2
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 3
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 8
    [F05] => 15
    [FP05] => 15
    [P06] => 23
    [F06] => 2
    [FP06] => 2
    [P07] => 21
    [F07] => 3
    [FP07] => 3
    [P08] => 21
    [F08] => 3
    [FP08] => 3
    [P09] => 1
    [F09] => 22
    [FP09] => 22
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460768
    [FkProfileID] => 2894178
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 12
    [AMA] => 132165
    [Comp] => 159
    [FullName] => Jace Owen
    [Hometown] => Mattoon, IL
    [TotalPoints] => 69
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 9
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 11
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 12
    [F01] => 11
    [FP01] => 11
    [P02] => 5
    [F02] => 18
    [FP02] => 18
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 9
    [F04] => 14
    [FP04] => 14
    [P05] => 14
    [F05] => 9
    [FP05] => 9
    [P06] => 12
    [F06] => 11
    [FP06] => 11
    [P07] => 14
    [F07] => 9
    [FP07] => 9
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 3
    [F09] => 20
    [FP09] => 20
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619595
    [FkProfileID] => 2893580
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 13
    [AMA] => 300984
    [Comp] => 49
    [FullName] => Chris Blose
    [Hometown] => Phoenix, AZ
    [TotalPoints] => 65
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 7
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 8
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 14
    [WorstPoints] => 9
    [LastFinish] => 14
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 11
    [F05] => 12
    [FP05] => 12
    [P06] => 14
    [F06] => 9
    [FP06] => 9
    [P07] => 16
    [F07] => 7
    [FP07] => 7
    [P08] => 15
    [F08] => 8
    [FP08] => 8
    [P09] => 9
    [F09] => 14
    [FP09] => 14
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460772
    [FkProfileID] => 2893772
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 14
    [AMA] => 134377
    [Comp] => 43
    [FullName] => John Short
    [Hometown] => Pilot Point, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 64
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 10
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 12
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 17
    [LastRace] => S2085
    [P01] => 8
    [F01] => 15
    [FP01] => 15
    [P02] => 11
    [F02] => 12
    [FP02] => 12
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 13
    [F05] => 10
    [FP05] => 10
    [P06] => 10
    [F06] => 13
    [FP06] => 13
    [P07] => 13
    [F07] => 10
    [FP07] => 10
    [P08] => 3
    [F08] => 20
    [FP08] => 20
    [P09] => 6
    [F09] => 17
    [FP09] => 17
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460774
    [FkProfileID] => 2894154
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 15
    [AMA] => 350266
    [Comp] => 39
    [FullName] => Jordan Bailey
    [Hometown] => Orlando, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 64
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 11
    [NumBestFinish] => 3
    [SecondBestFinish] => 12
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 6
    [LastFinish] => 12
    [LastRace] => S2060
    [P01] => 6
    [F01] => 17
    [FP01] => 17
    [P02] => 12
    [F02] => 11
    [FP02] => 11
    [P03] => 11
    [F03] => 12
    [FP03] => 12
    [P04] => 12
    [F04] => 11
    [FP04] => 11
    [P05] => 12
    [F05] => 11
    [FP05] => 11
    [P06] => 11
    [F06] => 12
    [FP06] => 12
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460762
    [FkProfileID] => 2893540
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 16
    [AMA] => 135315
    [Comp] => 54
    [FullName] => Jordon Smith
    [Hometown] => Ochlocknee, GA
    [TotalPoints] => 48
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 4
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 5
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2050
    [P01] => 18
    [F01] => 5
    [FP01] => 5
    [P02] => 10
    [F02] => 13
    [FP02] => 13
    [P03] => 19
    [F03] => 4
    [FP03] => 4
    [P04] => 1
    [F04] => 22
    [FP04] => 22
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460777
    [FkProfileID] => 2893585
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 17
    [AMA] => 301225
    [Comp] => 56
    [FullName] => Justin Starling
    [Hometown] => Deland, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 46
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 12
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 13
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 12
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 3
    [F01] => 20
    [FP01] => 20
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 7
    [F03] => 16
    [FP03] => 16
    [P04] => 8
    [F04] => 15
    [FP04] => 15
    [P05] => 1
    [F05] => 22
    [FP05] => 22
    [P06] => 6
    [F06] => 17
    [FP06] => 17
    [P07] => 10
    [F07] => 13
    [FP07] => 13
    [P08] => 11
    [F08] => 12
    [FP08] => 12
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460812
    [FkProfileID] => 2894171
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 18
    [AMA] => 350485
    [Comp] => 47
    [FullName] => Lorenzo Locurcio
    [Hometown] => Groveland, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 45
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 9
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 12
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 9
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 9
    [F02] => 14
    [FP02] => 14
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 11
    [F04] => 12
    [FP04] => 12
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 8
    [F06] => 15
    [FP06] => 15
    [P07] => 3
    [F07] => 20
    [FP07] => 20
    [P08] => 14
    [F08] => 9
    [FP08] => 9
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460769
    [FkProfileID] => 2894166
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 19
    [AMA] => 301664
    [Comp] => 175
    [FullName] => Joshua Hill
    [Hometown] => Huntersville, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 43
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 6
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 10
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 21
    [LastRace] => S2050
    [P01] => 11
    [F01] => 12
    [FP01] => 12
    [P02] => 17
    [F02] => 6
    [FP02] => 6
    [P03] => 13
    [F03] => 10
    [FP03] => 10
    [P04] => 2
    [F04] => 21
    [FP04] => 21
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460779
    [FkProfileID] => 2893491
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 20
    [AMA] => 136673
    [Comp] => 981
    [FullName] => Curren Thurman
    [Hometown] => Rosharon, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 37
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 11
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 15
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 11
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 1
    [F01] => 22
    [FP01] => 22
    [P02] => 8
    [F02] => 15
    [FP02] => 15
    [P03] => 2
    [F03] => 21
    [FP03] => 21
    [P04] => 7
    [F04] => 16
    [FP04] => 16
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 7
    [F06] => 16
    [FP06] => 16
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 12
    [F08] => 11
    [FP08] => 11
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460770
    [FkProfileID] => 2896184
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 21
    [AMA] => 350095
    [Comp] => 201
    [FullName] => Cedric Soubeyras
    [Hometown] => Plant City, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 35
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 10
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 11
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 13
    [WorstPoints] => 10
    [LastFinish] => 10
    [LastRace] => S2050
    [P01] => 10
    [F01] => 13
    [FP01] => 13
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 12
    [F03] => 11
    [FP03] => 11
    [P04] => 13
    [F04] => 10
    [FP04] => 10
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460815
    [FkProfileID] => 2894176
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 22
    [AMA] => 138324
    [Comp] => 77
    [FullName] => Kevin Moranz
    [Hometown] => Topeka, KS
    [TotalPoints] => 35
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 13
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 14
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 13
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 4
    [F02] => 19
    [FP02] => 19
    [P03] => 9
    [F03] => 14
    [FP03] => 14
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 6
    [F05] => 17
    [FP05] => 17
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 6
    [F07] => 17
    [FP07] => 17
    [P08] => 10
    [F08] => 13
    [FP08] => 13
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460857
    [FkProfileID] => 2894174
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 23
    [AMA] => 350478
    [Comp] => 73
    [FullName] => Chase Marquier
    [Hometown] => Newcastle, OK
    [TotalPoints] => 33
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 10
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 16
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 10
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 6
    [F04] => 17
    [FP04] => 17
    [P05] => 7
    [F05] => 16
    [FP05] => 16
    [P06] => 5
    [F06] => 18
    [FP06] => 18
    [P07] => 2
    [F07] => 21
    [FP07] => 21
    [P08] => 13
    [F08] => 10
    [FP08] => 10
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619596
    [FkProfileID] => 2897046
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 24
    [AMA] => 350673
    [Comp] => 59
    [FullName] => Joshua Osby
    [Hometown] => Valparaiso, IN
    [TotalPoints] => 33
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 13
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 14
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 16
    [WorstPoints] => 7
    [LastFinish] => 16
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 10
    [F05] => 13
    [FP05] => 13
    [P06] => 9
    [F06] => 14
    [FP06] => 14
    [P07] => 7
    [F07] => 16
    [FP07] => 16
    [P08] => 7
    [F08] => 16
    [FP08] => 16
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460765
    [FkProfileID] => 2894157
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 25
    [AMA] => 350037
    [Comp] => 355
    [FullName] => Joey Crown
    [Hometown] => Metamora, MI
    [TotalPoints] => 31
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 7
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 8
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 8
    [WorstPoints] => 15
    [LastFinish] => 7
    [LastRace] => S2040
    [P01] => 15
    [F01] => 8
    [FP01] => 8
    [P02] => 16
    [F02] => 7
    [FP02] => 7
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460775
    [FkProfileID] => 2894180
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 26
    [AMA] => 350273
    [Comp] => 367
    [FullName] => Hunter Sayles
    [Hometown] => Chassell, MI
    [TotalPoints] => 30
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 12
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 15
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 5
    [LastFinish] => 17
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 5
    [F01] => 18
    [FP01] => 18
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 8
    [F03] => 15
    [FP03] => 15
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 11
    [F07] => 12
    [FP07] => 12
    [P08] => 6
    [F08] => 17
    [FP08] => 17
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460771
    [FkProfileID] => 2894160
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 27
    [AMA] => 350013
    [Comp] => 68
    [FullName] => Nick Gaines
    [Hometown] => Ringgold, GA
    [TotalPoints] => 28
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 8
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 14
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S2055
    [P01] => 9
    [F01] => 14
    [FP01] => 14
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 15
    [F03] => 8
    [FP03] => 8
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 4
    [F05] => 19
    [FP05] => 19
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460766
    [FkProfileID] => 2893467
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 28
    [AMA] => 301080
    [Comp] => 53
    [FullName] => James Decotis
    [Hometown] => Huntersville, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 24
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 9
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 13
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 13
    [WorstPoints] => 10
    [LastFinish] => 13
    [LastRace] => S2045
    [P01] => 14
    [F01] => 9
    [FP01] => 9
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 10
    [F03] => 13
    [FP03] => 13
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460849
    [FkProfileID] => 2894146
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 29
    [AMA] => 141096
    [Comp] => 349
    [FullName] => Grant Harlan
    [Hometown] => Justin, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 24
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 13
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 14
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 5
    [LastFinish] => 14
    [LastRace] => S2055
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 5
    [F03] => 18
    [FP03] => 18
    [P04] => 10
    [F04] => 13
    [FP04] => 13
    [P05] => 9
    [F05] => 14
    [FP05] => 14
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460811
    [FkProfileID] => 2893654
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 30
    [AMA] => 350894
    [Comp] => 332
    [FullName] => Dustin Winter
    [Hometown] => Clearwater, KS
    [TotalPoints] => 20
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 16
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 18
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S2060
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 7
    [F02] => 16
    [FP02] => 16
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 4
    [F04] => 19
    [FP04] => 19
    [P05] => 5
    [F05] => 18
    [FP05] => 18
    [P06] => 4
    [F06] => 19
    [FP06] => 19
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619601
    [FkProfileID] => 2896353
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 31
    [AMA] => 350286
    [Comp] => 157
    [FullName] => Darian Sanayei
    [Hometown] => Murrieta , CA
    [TotalPoints] => 16
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 15
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 18
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 15
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 3
    [F06] => 20
    [FP06] => 20
    [P07] => 5
    [F07] => 18
    [FP07] => 18
    [P08] => 8
    [F08] => 15
    [FP08] => 15
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460858
    [FkProfileID] => 2894162
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 32
    [AMA] => 351076
    [Comp] => 128
    [FullName] => Carter Halpain
    [Hometown] => Lubbock, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 14
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 14
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 18
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 5
    [LastFinish] => 14
    [LastRace] => S2065
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 5
    [F04] => 18
    [FP04] => 18
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 9
    [F07] => 14
    [FP07] => 14
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460814
    [FkProfileID] => 2894158
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 33
    [AMA] => 351174
    [Comp] => 185
    [FullName] => Wilson Fleming
    [Hometown] => Jacksonville, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 12
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 15
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 21
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 15
    [LastRace] => S2065
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 2
    [F02] => 21
    [FP02] => 21
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 2
    [F06] => 21
    [FP06] => 21
    [P07] => 8
    [F07] => 15
    [FP07] => 15
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460773
    [FkProfileID] => 2893572
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 34
    [AMA] => 136235
    [Comp] => 67
    [FullName] => Jerry Robin
    [Hometown] => Hamel, MN
    [TotalPoints] => 12
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 16
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 20
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 7
    [F01] => 16
    [FP01] => 16
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 3
    [F05] => 20
    [FP05] => 20
    [P06] => 1
    [F06] => 22
    [FP06] => 22
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 1
    [F08] => 22
    [FP08] => 22
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460850
    [FkProfileID] => 2894148
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 35
    [AMA] => 139543
    [Comp] => 125
    [FullName] => Luke Neese
    [Hometown] => Jamestown, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 8
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 18
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 20
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 18
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 3
    [F03] => 20
    [FP03] => 20
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 5
    [F08] => 18
    [FP08] => 18
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460859
    [FkProfileID] => 2896576
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 36
    [AMA] => 350481
    [Comp] => 258
    [FullName] => Justin Rodbell
    [Hometown] => Prince Frederick, MD
    [TotalPoints] => 7
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 19
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 20
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 3
    [F04] => 20
    [FP04] => 20
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 4
    [F08] => 19
    [FP08] => 19
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460813
    [FkProfileID] => 2896354
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 37
    [AMA] => 350675
    [Comp] => 725
    [FullName] => Richard Jackson
    [Hometown] => Holdenville, OK
    [TotalPoints] => 6
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 17
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 6
    [LastFinish] => 17
    [LastRace] => S2040
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 6
    [F02] => 17
    [FP02] => 17
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1619606
    [FkProfileID] => 2893539
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 38
    [AMA] => 136869
    [Comp] => 75
    [FullName] => Coty Schock
    [Hometown] => Dover, DE
    [TotalPoints] => 6
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 19
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 21
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 21
    [LastRace] => S2080
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 4
    [F07] => 19
    [FP07] => 19
    [P08] => 2
    [F08] => 21
    [FP08] => 21
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460778
    [FkProfileID] => 2896188
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 39
    [AMA] => 136634
    [Comp] => 79
    [FullName] => Isaac Teasdale
    [Hometown] => Robbinsville, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 5
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 20
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 21
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S2040
    [P01] => 2
    [F01] => 21
    [FP01] => 21
    [P02] => 3
    [F02] => 20
    [FP02] => 20
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1460851
    [FkProfileID] => 2894169
    [FkClassID] => 53431
    [Year] => 2020
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 40
    [AMA] => 350489
    [Comp] => 194
    [FullName] => Lance Kobusch
    [Hometown] => New Florence, MO
    [TotalPoints] => 1
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 22
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2045
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 1
    [F03] => 22
    [FP03] => 22
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2035
    [Sanction02] => S2040
    [Sanction03] => S2045
    [Sanction04] => S2050
    [Sanction05] => S2055
    [Sanction06] => S2060
    [Sanction07] => S2065
    [Sanction08] => S2080
    [Sanction09] => S2085
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
SX Daytona International Speedway - Daytona Beach, FL
Round 10 Of 17 March 7, 2020
POS. # RIDER HOMETOWN POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Position 1 1E Chase Sexton Clermont, FL 98 23 26 26 23
Position 2 12 Shane Mcelrath Murrieta, CA 88 26 23 21 18
Position 3 24 Rj Hampshire Minneola, FL 80 17 21 23 19
Position 4 36 Garrett Marchbanks Coalville, UT 79 19 18 16 26
Position 5 6 Jeremy Martin Rochester, MN 65 21 19 4 21
Position 6 84 Jo Shimoda Irvine, CA 60 13 13 18 16
Position 7 66 Enzo Lopes Huntersville, NC 51 4 15 17 15
Position 8 54 Jordon Smith Ochlocknee, GA 48 18 10 19 1
Position 9 175 Joshua Hill Huntersville, NC 43 11 17 13 2
Position 10 352 Jalek Swoll Belleview, FL 42 14 14 14
Position 11 39 Jordan Bailey Orlando, FL 41 6 12 11 12
Position 12 201 Cedric Soubeyras Plant City, FL 35 10 12 13
Position 13 355 Joey Crown Metamora, MI 31 15 16
Position 14 159 Jace Owen Mattoon, IL 26 12 5 9
Position 15 68 Nick Gaines Ringgold, GA 24 9 15
Position 16 53 James Decotis Huntersville, NC 24 14 10
Position 17 163 Pierce Brown Sandy, UT 23 6 17
Position 18 47 Lorenzo Locurcio Groveland, FL 20 9 11
Position 19 43 John Short Pilot Point, TX 19 8 11
Position 20 56 Justin Starling Deland, FL 18 3 7 8
Position 21 981 Curren Thurman Rosharon, TX 18 1 8 2 7
Position 22 38 Kyle Peters Greensboro, NC 17 16 1
Position 23 349 Grant Harlan Justin, TX 15 5 10
Position 24 77 Kevin Moranz Topeka, KS 13 4 9
Position 25 367 Hunter Sayles Chassell, MI 13 5 8
Position 26 332 Dustin Winter Clearwater, KS 11 7 4
Position 27 67 Jerry Robin Hamel, MN 7 7
Position 28 73 Chase Marquier Newcastle, OK 6 6
Position 29 725 Richard Jackson Holdenville, OK 6 6
Position 30 128 Carter Halpain Lubbock, TX 5 5
Position 31 79 Isaac Teasdale Robbinsville, NC 5 2 3
Position 32 125 Luke Neese Jamestown, NC 3 3
Position 33 258 Justin Rodbell Prince Frederick, MD 3 3
Position 34 185 Wilson Fleming Jacksonville, FL 2 2
Position 35 194 Lance Kobusch New Florence, MO 1 1
Position 36 13 Colt Nichols Murrieta, CA 0
Position 37 49 Chris Blose Phoenix, AZ 0
Position 38 59 Joshua Osby Valparaiso, IN 0
Position 39 157 Darian Sanayei Murrieta , CA 0
Position 40 75 Coty Schock Dover, DE 0