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East Rutherford
MetLife Stadium - E. Rutherford, NJ
Round 16 Of 18 April 26, 2014
LAP CHART - 250SX Heat 1
Indicates Lapped Rider
# RIDER 1 2 3 4 5 6
#42 V. Friese 1 93 42 62 56 56 56
#55 A. Martin 2 62 62 42 62 62 91
#56 J. Decotis 3 56 56 78 69 78 78
#62 M. Oldenburg 4 55 55 56 42 69 62
#69 L. Kilbarger 5 240 69 386 55 144 533
#78 M. Lemoine 6 91 78 69 386 326 874
#91 J. Baumert 7 69 854 91 533 91 42
#93 A. Gulley 8 78 386 55 313 533 487
#144 B. Devillo 9 42 313 854 854 55 69
#236 M. Bottolfson 10 854 236 313 78 874 55
#240 B. Stewart 11 313 91 874 91 42 386
#313 K. Swanson 12 874 240 533 874 313 854
#326 T. Ezell 13 386 533 93 240 788 93
#386 A. Gulley 14 236 874 500 500 854 326
#487 T. Delnicki 15 500 500 236 93 386 313
#500 C. Hildreth 16 326 93 240 236 236 788
#533 G. Audette 17 487 487 487 487 240 236
#788 M. Vonlinger 18 533 326 144 93 144
#854 L. Powell 19 144 144 788 500 240
#874 Z. Williams 20 788 788 326 500