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East Rutherford
MetLife Stadium - E. Rutherford, NJ
Round 16 Of 18 April 26, 2014
LAP CHART - 250SX Heat 2
Indicates Lapped Rider
# RIDER 1 2 3 4 5 6
#19 J. Martin 1 32 32 19 32 32 96
#30 K. Cunningham 2 30 96 96 96 96 389
#32 J. Bogle 3 96 30 32 19 60 30
#57 A. Catanzaro 4 19 19 30 30 19 19
#60 J. Richardson 5 620 60 812 395 30 32
#96 M. Bisceglia 6 99 99 60 337 599 761
#99 J. Starling 7 449 620 337 449 395 99
#337 N. Desiderio 8 60 812 395 581 99 395
#389 D. Sterritt 9 337 449 449 60 620 60
#395 T. Potter 10 395 337 99 812 812 620
#440 D. Fraser 11 761 761 581 99 761 812
#449 D. Kessler 12 812 395 761 761 728 599
#581 K. Bitterman 13 389 389 795 661 337 581
#599 R. Hapner 14 661 795 728 728 661 795
#620 B. Nauditt 15 440 581 661 440 581 449
#661 M. Lang 16 581 661 440 795 449 728
#728 M. Mims 17 795 440 599 389 795 337
#761 C. Clason 18 728 728 389 661
#795 A. Leininger 19 599 599