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Lucas Oil Stadium - Indianapolis, IN
Round 13 Of 18 April 9, 2016
LAP CHART - 250SX Heat 2
Indicates Lapped Rider
# RIDER 1 2 3 4 5 6
#23 A. Plessinger 1 23 23 23 50 50 547
#31 R. Hampshire 2 50 53 53 23 23 53
#32 M. Bisceglia 3 53 50 50 931 53 50
#48 A. Rodriguez 4 32 31 64 53 64 23
#50 M. Stewart 5 931 61 61 31 48 64
#53 T. Bowers 6 31 64 48 201 201 201
#61 G. Audette 7 118 201 740 61 61 740
#63 J. Wentland 8 61 32 31 297 297 61
#64 D. Alix 9 64 519 201 32 32 32
#118 L. Kilbarger 10 48 118 32 64 740 48
#201 C. Soubeyras 11 63 48 297 740 31 795
#297 H. Miller 12 519 740 118 118 931 118
#519 J. Cartwright 13 740 297 547 48 703 297
#547 Z. Bishop Burnett 14 201 653 795 703 795 31
#558 D. Slusser 15 795 547 653 795 118 703
#653 T. Bereman 16 558 795 703 547 931
#703 J. Rando 17 297 703
#740 L. Staley 18 547 558
#795 A. Leininger 19 703
#931 G. Featherstone 20 653