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Lucas Oil Stadium - Indianapolis, IN
Round 11 Of 18 March 16, 2019
LAP CHART - 250SX Last Chance Qualifier
Indicates Lapped Rider
# RIDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#63 J. Short 1 986 74 986 90 116 346 986
#74 C. Autenrieth 2 112 119 119 986 986 119 74
#81 J. Cartwright 3 346 986 332 119 346 700 116
#90 J. Hand 4 119 332 112 74 119 125 346
#112 T. Covington 5 90 346 90 511 511 332 511
#116 T. Albright 6 332 511 346 401 125 74 434
#119 I. Teasdale 7 116 90 116 332 332 511 90
#125 L. Neese 8 74 401 74 125 74 401 332
#151 C. Gordon 9 914 116 511 700 90 986 112
#197 D. Cloyed 10 305 197 125 346 700 116 401
#305 H. Hilton 11 511 305 197 112 401 90 125
#332 D. Winter 12 407 112 675 116 112 151 700
#346 K. Moranz 13 401 434 700 151 151 597 119
#401 S. Redman 14 125 125 401 597 197 112 151
#407 B. Nelko 15 197 700 305 197 597 675 305
#434 P. Fleming 16 597 675 151 675 407 197 197
#511 S. Clarke 17 700 151 407 407 305 407 597
#597 M. Kerr 18 675 407 597 305 434 305 675
#675 K. Dillin 19 63 597 434 434 675 407
#700 J. Weeks 20 151 914
#914 B. Klippel 21 434 63