Skip to content
    [0] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209129
            [FkProfileID] => 43247
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 1
            [AMA] => 300624
            [Comp] => 1
            [FullName] => Ryan Villopoto
            [Hometown] => Seattle, WA
            [TotalPoints] => 371
            [Wins] => 10
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 10
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 4
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 16
            [WorstPoints] => 5
            [LastFinish] => 1
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 5
            [F01] => 16
            [FP01] => 16
            [P02] => 22
            [F02] => 2
            [FP02] => 2
            [P03] => 25
            [F03] => 1
            [FP03] => 1
            [P04] => 25
            [F04] => 1
            [FP04] => 1
            [P05] => 13
            [F05] => 8
            [FP05] => 8
            [P06] => 15
            [F06] => 6
            [FP06] => 6
            [P07] => 25
            [F07] => 1
            [FP07] => 1
            [P08] => 22
            [F08] => 2
            [FP08] => 2
            [P09] => 25
            [F09] => 1
            [FP09] => 1
            [P10] => 25
            [F10] => 1
            [FP10] => 1
            [P11] => 25
            [F11] => 1
            [FP11] => 1
            [P12] => 25
            [F12] => 1
            [FP12] => 1
            [P13] => 25
            [F13] => 1
            [FP13] => 1
            [P14] => 22
            [F14] => 2
            [FP14] => 2
            [P15] => 22
            [F15] => 2
            [FP15] => 2
            [P16] => 25
            [F16] => 1
            [FP16] => 1
            [P17] => 25
            [F17] => 1
            [FP17] => 1
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => X
            [LL04] => X
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => X
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => X
            [LL10] => X
            [LL11] => X
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => X
            [LL14] => X
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => X
            [LL17] => X
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => X
            [BQ04] => X
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => X
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => X
            [BQ12] => X
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => X
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => X
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [1] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209114
            [FkProfileID] => 43253
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 2
            [AMA] => 300950
            [Comp] => 18
            [FullName] => David Millsaps
            [Hometown] => Murrieta, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 338
            [Wins] => 2
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 5
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 10
            [WorstPoints] => 11
            [LastFinish] => 3
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 25
            [F01] => 1
            [FP01] => 1
            [P02] => 20
            [F02] => 3
            [FP02] => 3
            [P03] => 18
            [F03] => 4
            [FP03] => 4
            [P04] => 22
            [F04] => 2
            [FP04] => 2
            [P05] => 22
            [F05] => 2
            [FP05] => 2
            [P06] => 25
            [F06] => 1
            [FP06] => 1
            [P07] => 22
            [F07] => 2
            [FP07] => 2
            [P08] => 20
            [F08] => 3
            [FP08] => 3
            [P09] => 15
            [F09] => 6
            [FP09] => 6
            [P10] => 11
            [F10] => 10
            [FP10] => 10
            [P11] => 18
            [F11] => 4
            [FP11] => 4
            [P12] => 22
            [F12] => 2
            [FP12] => 2
            [P13] => 16
            [F13] => 5
            [FP13] => 5
            [P14] => 20
            [F14] => 3
            [FP14] => 3
            [P15] => 20
            [F15] => 3
            [FP15] => 3
            [P16] => 22
            [F16] => 2
            [FP16] => 2
            [P17] => 20
            [F17] => 3
            [FP17] => 3
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => X
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => X
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => X
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => X
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => X
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => X
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [2] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209116
            [FkProfileID] => 43237
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 3
            [AMA] => 400035
            [Comp] => 5
            [FullName] => Ryan Dungey
            [Hometown] => Belle Plaine, MN
            [TotalPoints] => 337
            [Wins] => 2
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 4
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 8
            [WorstPoints] => 13
            [LastFinish] => 2
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 20
            [F01] => 3
            [FP01] => 3
            [P02] => 13
            [F02] => 8
            [FP02] => 8
            [P03] => 15
            [F03] => 6
            [FP03] => 6
            [P04] => 20
            [F04] => 3
            [FP04] => 3
            [P05] => 25
            [F05] => 1
            [FP05] => 1
            [P06] => 20
            [F06] => 3
            [FP06] => 3
            [P07] => 20
            [F07] => 3
            [FP07] => 3
            [P08] => 15
            [F08] => 6
            [FP08] => 6
            [P09] => 18
            [F09] => 4
            [FP09] => 4
            [P10] => 22
            [F10] => 2
            [FP10] => 2
            [P11] => 22
            [F11] => 2
            [FP11] => 2
            [P12] => 20
            [F12] => 3
            [FP12] => 3
            [P13] => 22
            [F13] => 2
            [FP13] => 2
            [P14] => 25
            [F14] => 1
            [FP14] => 1
            [P15] => 18
            [F15] => 4
            [FP15] => 4
            [P16] => 20
            [F16] => 3
            [FP16] => 3
            [P17] => 22
            [F17] => 2
            [FP17] => 2
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => X
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [3] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209120
            [FkProfileID] => 423189
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 4
            [AMA] => 300903
            [Comp] => 51
            [FullName] => Justin Barcia
            [Hometown] => Pinetta, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 277
            [Wins] => 2
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 5
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 14
            [F01] => 7
            [FP01] => 7
            [P02] => 25
            [F02] => 1
            [FP02] => 1
            [P03] => 1
            [F03] => 20
            [FP03] => 20
            [P04] => 1
            [F04] => 20
            [FP04] => 20
            [P05] => 20
            [F05] => 3
            [FP05] => 3
            [P06] => 22
            [F06] => 2
            [FP06] => 2
            [P07] => 15
            [F07] => 6
            [FP07] => 6
            [P08] => 18
            [F08] => 4
            [FP08] => 4
            [P09] => 16
            [F09] => 5
            [FP09] => 5
            [P10] => 20
            [F10] => 3
            [FP10] => 3
            [P11] => 16
            [F11] => 5
            [FP11] => 5
            [P12] => 16
            [F12] => 5
            [FP12] => 5
            [P13] => 18
            [F13] => 4
            [FP13] => 4
            [P14] => 18
            [F14] => 4
            [FP14] => 4
            [P15] => 25
            [F15] => 1
            [FP15] => 1
            [P16] => 16
            [F16] => 5
            [FP16] => 5
            [P17] => 16
            [F17] => 5
            [FP17] => 5
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => X
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => X
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => X
            [BQ02] => X
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => X
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [4] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209117
            [FkProfileID] => 43238
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 5
            [AMA] => 301001
            [Comp] => 22
            [FullName] => Chad Reed
            [Hometown] => Dade City, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 239
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 3
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 4
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 4
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 6
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 18
            [F01] => 4
            [FP01] => 4
            [P02] => 18
            [F02] => 4
            [FP02] => 4
            [P03] => 20
            [F03] => 3
            [FP03] => 3
            [P04] => 9
            [F04] => 12
            [FP04] => 12
            [P05] => 16
            [F05] => 5
            [FP05] => 5
            [P06] => 16
            [F06] => 5
            [FP06] => 5
            [P07] => 18
            [F07] => 4
            [FP07] => 4
            [P08] => 12
            [F08] => 9
            [FP08] => 9
            [P09] => 20
            [F09] => 3
            [FP09] => 3
            [P10] => 16
            [F10] => 5
            [FP10] => 5
            [P11] => 15
            [F11] => 6
            [FP11] => 6
            [P12] => 18
            [F12] => 4
            [FP12] => 4
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 16
            [F14] => 5
            [FP14] => 5
            [P15] => 1
            [F15] => 21
            [FP15] => 21
            [P16] => 11
            [F16] => 10
            [FP16] => 10
            [P17] => 15
            [F17] => 6
            [FP17] => 6
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [5] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209115
            [FkProfileID] => 43192
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 6
            [AMA] => 350062
            [Comp] => 41
            [FullName] => Trey Canard
            [Hometown] => Shawnee, OK
            [TotalPoints] => 221
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 2
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 3
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 22
            [F01] => 2
            [FP01] => 2
            [P02] => 16
            [F02] => 5
            [FP02] => 5
            [P03] => 22
            [F03] => 2
            [FP03] => 2
            [P04] => 18
            [F04] => 4
            [FP04] => 4
            [P05] => 14
            [F05] => 7
            [FP05] => 7
            [P06] => 13
            [F06] => 8
            [FP06] => 8
            [P07] => 14
            [F07] => 7
            [FP07] => 7
            [P08] => 16
            [F08] => 5
            [FP08] => 5
            [P09] => 13
            [F09] => 8
            [FP09] => 8
            [P10] => 15
            [F10] => 6
            [FP10] => 6
            [P11] => 2
            [F11] => 19
            [FP11] => 19
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 20
            [F13] => 3
            [FP13] => 3
            [P14] => 14
            [F14] => 7
            [FP14] => 7
            [P15] => 3
            [F15] => 18
            [FP15] => 18
            [P16] => 18
            [F16] => 4
            [FP16] => 4
            [P17] => 1
            [F17] => 20
            [FP17] => 20
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => X
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [6] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209119
            [FkProfileID] => 43249
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 7
            [AMA] => 203282
            [Comp] => 29
            [FullName] => Andrew Short
            [Hometown] => Smithville, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 214
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 6
            [NumBestFinish] => 4
            [SecondBestFinish] => 7
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 14
            [WorstPoints] => 7
            [LastFinish] => 9
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 15
            [F01] => 6
            [FP01] => 6
            [P02] => 12
            [F02] => 9
            [FP02] => 9
            [P03] => 14
            [F03] => 7
            [FP03] => 7
            [P04] => 15
            [F04] => 6
            [FP04] => 6
            [P05] => 15
            [F05] => 6
            [FP05] => 6
            [P06] => 12
            [F06] => 9
            [FP06] => 9
            [P07] => 12
            [F07] => 9
            [FP07] => 9
            [P08] => 7
            [F08] => 14
            [FP08] => 14
            [P09] => 11
            [F09] => 10
            [FP09] => 10
            [P10] => 9
            [F10] => 12
            [FP10] => 12
            [P11] => 14
            [F11] => 7
            [FP11] => 7
            [P12] => 12
            [F12] => 9
            [FP12] => 9
            [P13] => 14
            [F13] => 7
            [FP13] => 7
            [P14] => 15
            [F14] => 6
            [FP14] => 6
            [P15] => 12
            [F15] => 9
            [FP15] => 9
            [P16] => 13
            [F16] => 8
            [FP16] => 8
            [P17] => 12
            [F17] => 9
            [FP17] => 9
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [7] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209122
            [FkProfileID] => 43270
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 8
            [AMA] => 300875
            [Comp] => 10
            [FullName] => Justin Brayton
            [Hometown] => Cornelius, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 190
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 5
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 6
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 8
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 12
            [F01] => 9
            [FP01] => 9
            [P02] => 6
            [F02] => 15
            [FP02] => 15
            [P03] => 13
            [F03] => 8
            [FP03] => 8
            [P04] => 11
            [F04] => 10
            [FP04] => 10
            [P05] => 11
            [F05] => 10
            [FP05] => 10
            [P06] => 14
            [F06] => 7
            [FP06] => 7
            [P07] => 16
            [F07] => 5
            [FP07] => 5
            [P08] => 8
            [F08] => 13
            [FP08] => 13
            [P09] => 12
            [F09] => 9
            [FP09] => 9
            [P10] => 1
            [F10] => 20
            [FP10] => 20
            [P11] => 8
            [F11] => 13
            [FP11] => 13
            [P12] => 10
            [F12] => 11
            [FP12] => 11
            [P13] => 15
            [F13] => 6
            [FP13] => 6
            [P14] => 12
            [F14] => 9
            [FP14] => 9
            [P15] => 13
            [F15] => 8
            [FP15] => 8
            [P16] => 15
            [F16] => 6
            [FP16] => 6
            [P17] => 13
            [F17] => 8
            [FP17] => 8
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [8] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209131
            [FkProfileID] => 43272
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 9
            [AMA] => 300792
            [Comp] => 20
            [FullName] => Broc Tickle
            [Hometown] => Holly, MI
            [TotalPoints] => 176
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 7
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 8
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 10
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 3
            [F01] => 18
            [FP01] => 18
            [P02] => 9
            [F02] => 12
            [FP02] => 12
            [P03] => 10
            [F03] => 11
            [FP03] => 11
            [P04] => 13
            [F04] => 8
            [FP04] => 8
            [P05] => 12
            [F05] => 9
            [FP05] => 9
            [P06] => 10
            [F06] => 11
            [FP06] => 11
            [P07] => 11
            [F07] => 10
            [FP07] => 10
            [P08] => 9
            [F08] => 12
            [FP08] => 12
            [P09] => 10
            [F09] => 11
            [FP09] => 11
            [P10] => 12
            [F10] => 9
            [FP10] => 9
            [P11] => 10
            [F11] => 11
            [FP11] => 11
            [P12] => 13
            [F12] => 8
            [FP12] => 8
            [P13] => 11
            [F13] => 10
            [FP13] => 10
            [P14] => 8
            [F14] => 13
            [FP14] => 13
            [P15] => 14
            [F15] => 7
            [FP15] => 7
            [P16] => 10
            [F16] => 11
            [FP16] => 11
            [P17] => 11
            [F17] => 10
            [FP17] => 10
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [9] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209121
            [FkProfileID] => 43251
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 10
            [AMA] => 772736
            [Comp] => 7
            [FullName] => James Stewart
            [Hometown] => Haines City, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 174
            [Wins] => 1
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 18
            [LastRace] => S1370
            [P01] => 13
            [F01] => 8
            [FP01] => 8
            [P02] => 14
            [F02] => 7
            [FP02] => 7
            [P03] => 9
            [F03] => 12
            [FP03] => 12
            [P04] => 2
            [F04] => 19
            [FP04] => 19
            [P05] => 18
            [F05] => 4
            [FP05] => 4
            [P06] => 18
            [F06] => 4
            [FP06] => 4
            [P07] => 1
            [F07] => 20
            [FP07] => 20
            [P08] => 25
            [F08] => 1
            [FP08] => 1
            [P09] => 22
            [F09] => 2
            [FP09] => 2
            [P10] => 13
            [F10] => 8
            [FP10] => 8
            [P11] => 20
            [F11] => 3
            [FP11] => 3
            [P12] => 14
            [F12] => 7
            [FP12] => 7
            [P13] => 2
            [F13] => 19
            [FP13] => 19
            [P14] => 3
            [F14] => 18
            [FP14] => 18
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => X
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => X
            [BQ07] => X
            [BQ08] => X
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [10] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209118
            [FkProfileID] => 423183
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 11
            [AMA] => 300932
            [Comp] => 12
            [FullName] => Jake Weimer
            [Hometown] => Rupert, ID
            [TotalPoints] => 157
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 4
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 5
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 4
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 16
            [F01] => 5
            [FP01] => 5
            [P02] => 15
            [F02] => 6
            [FP02] => 6
            [P03] => 16
            [F03] => 5
            [FP03] => 5
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 1
            [F05] => 20
            [FP05] => 20
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 13
            [F08] => 8
            [FP08] => 8
            [P09] => 9
            [F09] => 12
            [FP09] => 12
            [P10] => 8
            [F10] => 13
            [FP10] => 13
            [P11] => 1
            [F11] => 20
            [FP11] => 20
            [P12] => 15
            [F12] => 6
            [FP12] => 6
            [P13] => 12
            [F13] => 9
            [FP13] => 9
            [P14] => 9
            [F14] => 12
            [FP14] => 12
            [P15] => 16
            [F15] => 5
            [FP15] => 5
            [P16] => 8
            [F16] => 13
            [FP16] => 13
            [P17] => 18
            [F17] => 4
            [FP17] => 4
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [11] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209125
            [FkProfileID] => 43185
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 12
            [AMA] => 350055
            [Comp] => 62
            [FullName] => Matthew Goerke
            [Hometown] => Lake Helen, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 139
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 7
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 8
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 11
            [LastRace] => S1370
            [P01] => 9
            [F01] => 12
            [FP01] => 12
            [P02] => 4
            [F02] => 17
            [FP02] => 17
            [P03] => 12
            [F03] => 9
            [FP03] => 9
            [P04] => 14
            [F04] => 7
            [FP04] => 7
            [P05] => 8
            [F05] => 13
            [FP05] => 13
            [P06] => 9
            [F06] => 12
            [FP06] => 12
            [P07] => 13
            [F07] => 8
            [FP07] => 8
            [P08] => 10
            [F08] => 11
            [FP08] => 11
            [P09] => 6
            [F09] => 15
            [FP09] => 15
            [P10] => 10
            [F10] => 11
            [FP10] => 11
            [P11] => 13
            [F11] => 8
            [FP11] => 8
            [P12] => 11
            [F12] => 10
            [FP12] => 10
            [P13] => 10
            [F13] => 11
            [FP13] => 11
            [P14] => 10
            [F14] => 11
            [FP14] => 11
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [12] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209133
            [FkProfileID] => 43234
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 13
            [AMA] => 301591
            [Comp] => 800
            [FullName] => Mike Alessi
            [Hometown] => Hilliard, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 107
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 5
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 6
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 6
            [LastRace] => S1375
            [P01] => 1
            [F01] => 20
            [FP01] => 20
            [P02] => 1
            [F02] => 20
            [FP02] => 20
            [P03] => 7
            [F03] => 14
            [FP03] => 14
            [P04] => 16
            [F04] => 5
            [FP04] => 5
            [P05] => 4
            [F05] => 17
            [FP05] => 17
            [P06] => 11
            [F06] => 10
            [FP06] => 10
            [P07] => 9
            [F07] => 12
            [FP07] => 12
            [P08] => 11
            [F08] => 10
            [FP08] => 10
            [P09] => 14
            [F09] => 7
            [FP09] => 7
            [P10] => 5
            [F10] => 16
            [FP10] => 16
            [P11] => 4
            [F11] => 17
            [FP11] => 17
            [P12] => 1
            [F12] => 20
            [FP12] => 20
            [P13] => 1
            [F13] => 20
            [FP13] => 20
            [P14] => 7
            [F14] => 14
            [FP14] => 14
            [P15] => 15
            [F15] => 6
            [FP15] => 6
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [13] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209127
            [FkProfileID] => 43226
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 14
            [AMA] => 400018
            [Comp] => 46
            [FullName] => Weston Peick
            [Hometown] => Wildomar, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 105
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 7
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 9
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 7
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 7
            [F01] => 14
            [FP01] => 14
            [P02] => 7
            [F02] => 14
            [FP02] => 14
            [P03] => 8
            [F03] => 13
            [FP03] => 13
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 7
            [F06] => 14
            [FP06] => 14
            [P07] => 10
            [F07] => 11
            [FP07] => 11
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 3
            [F09] => 18
            [FP09] => 18
            [P10] => 3
            [F10] => 18
            [FP10] => 18
            [P11] => 11
            [F11] => 10
            [FP11] => 10
            [P12] => 3
            [F12] => 18
            [FP12] => 18
            [P13] => 4
            [F13] => 17
            [FP13] => 17
            [P14] => 11
            [F14] => 10
            [FP14] => 10
            [P15] => 5
            [F15] => 16
            [FP15] => 16
            [P16] => 12
            [F16] => 9
            [FP16] => 9
            [P17] => 14
            [F17] => 7
            [FP17] => 7
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [14] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209170
            [FkProfileID] => 423191
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 15
            [AMA] => 301664
            [Comp] => 75
            [FullName] => Joshua Hill
            [Hometown] => Yoncalla, OR
            [TotalPoints] => 93
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 7
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 8
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 14
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 3
            [F06] => 18
            [FP06] => 18
            [P07] => 6
            [F07] => 15
            [FP07] => 15
            [P08] => 5
            [F08] => 16
            [FP08] => 16
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 6
            [F10] => 15
            [FP10] => 15
            [P11] => 9
            [F11] => 12
            [FP11] => 12
            [P12] => 8
            [F12] => 13
            [FP12] => 13
            [P13] => 13
            [F13] => 8
            [FP13] => 8
            [P14] => 13
            [F14] => 8
            [FP14] => 8
            [P15] => 9
            [F15] => 12
            [FP15] => 12
            [P16] => 14
            [F16] => 7
            [FP16] => 7
            [P17] => 7
            [F17] => 14
            [FP17] => 14
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [15] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209132
            [FkProfileID] => 423195
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 16
            [AMA] => 301207
            [Comp] => 39
            [FullName] => Robert Kiniry
            [Hometown] => Holland Patent, NY
            [TotalPoints] => 66
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 12
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 13
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 12
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 2
            [F01] => 19
            [FP01] => 19
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 3
            [F03] => 18
            [FP03] => 18
            [P04] => 6
            [F04] => 15
            [FP04] => 15
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 5
            [F06] => 16
            [FP06] => 16
            [P07] => 7
            [F07] => 14
            [FP07] => 14
            [P08] => 1
            [F08] => 20
            [FP08] => 20
            [P09] => 4
            [F09] => 17
            [FP09] => 17
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 3
            [F11] => 18
            [FP11] => 18
            [P12] => 6
            [F12] => 15
            [FP12] => 15
            [P13] => 8
            [F13] => 13
            [FP13] => 13
            [P14] => 5
            [F14] => 16
            [FP14] => 16
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 7
            [F16] => 14
            [FP16] => 14
            [P17] => 9
            [F17] => 12
            [FP17] => 12
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [16] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209263
            [FkProfileID] => 43254
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 17
            [AMA] => 301038
            [Comp] => 49
            [FullName] => Phillip Nicoletti
            [Hometown] => Bethel, NY
            [TotalPoints] => 58
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 10
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 11
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 11
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 2
            [F09] => 19
            [FP09] => 19
            [P10] => 2
            [F10] => 19
            [FP10] => 19
            [P11] => 7
            [F11] => 14
            [FP11] => 14
            [P12] => 9
            [F12] => 12
            [FP12] => 12
            [P13] => 9
            [F13] => 12
            [FP13] => 12
            [P14] => 2
            [F14] => 19
            [FP14] => 19
            [P15] => 11
            [F15] => 10
            [FP15] => 10
            [P16] => 6
            [F16] => 15
            [FP16] => 15
            [P17] => 10
            [F17] => 11
            [FP17] => 11
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [17] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209252
            [FkProfileID] => 423209
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 18
            [AMA] => 124056
            [Comp] => 17
            [FullName] => Eli Tomac
            [Hometown] => Cortez, CO
            [TotalPoints] => 52
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 4
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 7
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 13
            [WorstPoints] => 8
            [LastFinish] => 9
            [LastRace] => S1355
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 14
            [F08] => 7
            [FP08] => 7
            [P09] => 8
            [F09] => 13
            [FP09] => 13
            [P10] => 18
            [F10] => 4
            [FP10] => 4
            [P11] => 12
            [F11] => 9
            [FP11] => 9
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [18] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209142
            [FkProfileID] => 43278
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 19
            [AMA] => 300984
            [Comp] => 84
            [FullName] => Chris Blose
            [Hometown] => Phoenix, AZ
            [TotalPoints] => 50
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 14
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 15
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 15
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 4
            [F03] => 17
            [FP03] => 17
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 2
            [F05] => 19
            [FP05] => 19
            [P06] => 4
            [F06] => 17
            [FP06] => 17
            [P07] => 2
            [F07] => 19
            [FP07] => 19
            [P08] => 4
            [F08] => 17
            [FP08] => 17
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 5
            [F12] => 16
            [FP12] => 16
            [P13] => 6
            [F13] => 15
            [FP13] => 15
            [P14] => 6
            [F14] => 15
            [FP14] => 15
            [P15] => 7
            [F15] => 14
            [FP15] => 14
            [P16] => 4
            [F16] => 17
            [FP16] => 17
            [P17] => 6
            [F17] => 15
            [FP17] => 15
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [19] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209130
            [FkProfileID] => 43250
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 20
            [AMA] => 300972
            [Comp] => 42
            [FullName] => Vince Friese
            [Hometown] => Cape Girardeau, MO
            [TotalPoints] => 45
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 9
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 11
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 16
            [LastRace] => S1380
            [P01] => 4
            [F01] => 17
            [FP01] => 17
            [P02] => 3
            [F02] => 18
            [FP02] => 18
            [P03] => 5
            [F03] => 16
            [FP03] => 16
            [P04] => 12
            [F04] => 9
            [FP04] => 9
            [P05] => 6
            [F05] => 15
            [FP05] => 15
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 10
            [F15] => 11
            [FP15] => 11
            [P16] => 5
            [F16] => 16
            [FP16] => 16
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [20] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209124
            [FkProfileID] => 43221
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 21
            [AMA] => 300987
            [Comp] => 33
            [FullName] => Joshua Grant
            [Hometown] => Corona, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 40
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 10
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 11
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 18
            [LastRace] => S1325
            [P01] => 10
            [F01] => 11
            [FP01] => 11
            [P02] => 11
            [F02] => 10
            [FP02] => 10
            [P03] => 11
            [F03] => 10
            [FP03] => 10
            [P04] => 5
            [F04] => 16
            [FP04] => 16
            [P05] => 3
            [F05] => 18
            [FP05] => 18
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [21] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209171
            [FkProfileID] => 43212
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 22
            [AMA] => 300794
            [Comp] => 57
            [FullName] => Ben Lamay
            [Hometown] => Wasilla, AK
            [TotalPoints] => 39
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 12
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 13
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 12
            [LastRace] => S1380
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 2
            [F06] => 19
            [FP06] => 19
            [P07] => 5
            [F07] => 16
            [FP07] => 16
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 4
            [F10] => 17
            [FP10] => 17
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 7
            [F12] => 14
            [FP12] => 14
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 4
            [F14] => 17
            [FP14] => 17
            [P15] => 8
            [F15] => 13
            [FP15] => 13
            [P16] => 9
            [F16] => 12
            [FP16] => 12
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [22] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209138
            [FkProfileID] => 423201
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 23
            [AMA] => 350085
            [Comp] => 55
            [FullName] => Jimmy Albertson
            [Hometown] => Shawnee, OK
            [TotalPoints] => 38
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 11
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 12
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 14
            [LastRace] => S1345
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 2
            [F02] => 19
            [FP02] => 19
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 10
            [F04] => 11
            [FP04] => 11
            [P05] => 9
            [F05] => 12
            [FP05] => 12
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 8
            [F07] => 13
            [FP07] => 13
            [P08] => 2
            [F08] => 19
            [FP08] => 19
            [P09] => 7
            [F09] => 14
            [FP09] => 14
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [23] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209126
            [FkProfileID] => 423190
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 24
            [AMA] => 301721
            [Comp] => 11
            [FullName] => Kyle Chisholm
            [Hometown] => Valrico, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 38
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 13
            [NumBestFinish] => 3
            [SecondBestFinish] => 14
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S1345
            [P01] => 8
            [F01] => 13
            [FP01] => 13
            [P02] => 8
            [F02] => 13
            [FP02] => 13
            [P03] => 6
            [F03] => 15
            [FP03] => 15
            [P04] => 8
            [F04] => 13
            [FP04] => 13
            [P05] => 7
            [F05] => 14
            [FP05] => 14
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 1
            [F09] => 20
            [FP09] => 20
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [24] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209128
            [FkProfileID] => 423186
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 25
            [AMA] => 400101
            [Comp] => 47
            [FullName] => Matthew Lemoine
            [Hometown] => Collinsville, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 34
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 11
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 13
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 13
            [LastRace] => S1330
            [P01] => 6
            [F01] => 15
            [FP01] => 15
            [P02] => 5
            [F02] => 16
            [FP02] => 16
            [P03] => 2
            [F03] => 19
            [FP03] => 19
            [P04] => 3
            [F04] => 18
            [FP04] => 18
            [P05] => 10
            [F05] => 11
            [FP05] => 11
            [P06] => 8
            [F06] => 13
            [FP06] => 13
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [25] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209172
            [FkProfileID] => 43275
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 26
            [AMA] => 642111
            [Comp] => 85
            [FullName] => Kyle Partridge
            [Hometown] => Lake Elsinore, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 29
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 15
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 16
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 17
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 1
            [F06] => 20
            [FP06] => 20
            [P07] => 3
            [F07] => 18
            [FP07] => 18
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 5
            [F09] => 16
            [FP09] => 16
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 6
            [F11] => 15
            [FP11] => 15
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 5
            [F13] => 16
            [FP13] => 16
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 4
            [F15] => 17
            [FP15] => 17
            [P16] => 1
            [F16] => 20
            [FP16] => 20
            [P17] => 4
            [F17] => 17
            [FP17] => 17
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [26] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209146
            [FkProfileID] => 43193
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 27
            [AMA] => 350063
            [Comp] => 54
            [FullName] => Les Smith
            [Hometown] => York, SC
            [TotalPoints] => 27
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 14
            [NumBestFinish] => 3
            [SecondBestFinish] => 18
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S1370
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 7
            [F04] => 14
            [FP04] => 14
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 3
            [F08] => 18
            [FP08] => 18
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 7
            [F10] => 14
            [FP10] => 14
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 2
            [F12] => 19
            [FP12] => 19
            [P13] => 7
            [F13] => 14
            [FP13] => 14
            [P14] => 1
            [F14] => 20
            [FP14] => 20
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [27] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209123
            [FkProfileID] => 423198
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 28
            [AMA] => 301189
            [Comp] => 14
            [FullName] => Kevin Windham
            [Hometown] => Centreville, MS
            [TotalPoints] => 21
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 10
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 11
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 11
            [WorstPoints] => 10
            [LastFinish] => 11
            [LastRace] => S1310
            [P01] => 11
            [F01] => 10
            [FP01] => 10
            [P02] => 10
            [F02] => 11
            [FP02] => 11
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [28] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209165
            [FkProfileID] => 423197
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 29
            [AMA] => 350006
            [Comp] => 69
            [FullName] => Peter Larsen
            [Hometown] => Menifee, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 17
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 15
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 16
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 16
            [WorstPoints] => 5
            [LastFinish] => 15
            [LastRace] => S1340
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 5
            [F05] => 16
            [FP05] => 16
            [P06] => 6
            [F06] => 15
            [FP06] => 15
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 6
            [F08] => 15
            [FP08] => 15
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [29] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209266
            [FkProfileID] => 43286
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 30
            [AMA] => 129066
            [Comp] => 94
            [FullName] => Ken Roczen
            [Hometown] => Murrieta, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 14
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 7
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 7
            [WorstPoints] => 14
            [LastFinish] => 7
            [LastRace] => S1350
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 14
            [F10] => 7
            [FP10] => 7
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [30] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209303
            [FkProfileID] => 423199
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 31
            [AMA] => 350084
            [Comp] => 374
            [FullName] => Cody Gilmore
            [Hometown] => Blair, NE
            [TotalPoints] => 14
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 15
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 16
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 16
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 6
            [F15] => 15
            [FP15] => 15
            [P16] => 3
            [F16] => 18
            [FP16] => 18
            [P17] => 5
            [F17] => 16
            [FP17] => 16
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [31] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209228
            [FkProfileID] => 427214
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 32
            [AMA] => 300838
            [Comp] => 64
            [FullName] => Justin Sipes
            [Hometown] => Flaherty, KY
            [TotalPoints] => 13
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 16
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 17
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 17
            [LastRace] => S1360
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 4
            [F07] => 17
            [FP07] => 17
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 5
            [F11] => 16
            [FP11] => 16
            [P12] => 4
            [F12] => 17
            [FP12] => 17
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [32] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 215614
            [FkProfileID] => 427359
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 33
            [AMA] => 400105
            [Comp] => 56
            [FullName] => Kyle Regal
            [Hometown] => Howell, MI
            [TotalPoints] => 8
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 13
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 13
            [WorstPoints] => 8
            [LastFinish] => 13
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 8
            [F17] => 13
            [FP17] => 13
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [33] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209292
            [FkProfileID] => 427185
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 34
            [AMA] => 124625
            [Comp] => 722
            [FullName] => Adam Enticknap
            [Hometown] => Lompoc, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 5
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 18
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 19
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S1380
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 3
            [F13] => 18
            [FP13] => 18
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 2
            [F16] => 19
            [FP16] => 19
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [34] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209147
            [FkProfileID] => 427184
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 35
            [AMA] => 350095
            [Comp] => 920
            [FullName] => Cedric Soubeyras
            [Hometown] => Berre L'Etang, France
            [TotalPoints] => 4
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 17
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 17
            [LastRace] => S1320
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 4
            [F04] => 17
            [FP04] => 17
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [35] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 215615
            [FkProfileID] => 43225
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 36
            [AMA] => 301071
            [Comp] => 415
            [FullName] => Nicholas Schmidt
            [Hometown] => Seattle, WA
            [TotalPoints] => 3
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 18
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 18
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 18
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 3
            [F17] => 18
            [FP17] => 18
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [36] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 209304
            [FkProfileID] => 427193
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 37
            [AMA] => 300861
            [Comp] => 143
            [FullName] => Michael Horban
            [Hometown] => Grants Pass, OR
            [TotalPoints] => 2
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 19
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S1375
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 2
            [F15] => 19
            [FP15] => 19
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [37] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 215616
            [FkProfileID] => 43267
            [FkClassID] => 197
            [Year] => 2013
            [Class] => S1
            [Position] => 38
            [AMA] => 400109
            [Comp] => 95
            [FullName] => Tevin Tapia
            [Hometown] => Menifee, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 2
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 19
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S1385
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 2
            [F17] => 19
            [FP17] => 19
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S1305
            [Sanction02] => S1310
            [Sanction03] => S1315
            [Sanction04] => S1320
            [Sanction05] => S1325
            [Sanction06] => S1330
            [Sanction07] => S1335
            [Sanction08] => S1340
            [Sanction09] => S1345
            [Sanction10] => S1350
            [Sanction11] => S1355
            [Sanction12] => S1360
            [Sanction13] => S1365
            [Sanction14] => S1370
            [Sanction15] => S1375
            [Sanction16] => S1380
            [Sanction17] => S1385
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 1
            [RNum11] => 1
            [RNum12] => 1
            [RNum13] => 1
            [RNum14] => 1
            [RNum15] => 1
            [RNum16] => 1
            [RNum17] => 1
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209129
    [FkProfileID] => 43247
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 1
    [AMA] => 300624
    [Comp] => 1
    [FullName] => Ryan Villopoto
    [Hometown] => Seattle, WA
    [TotalPoints] => 371
    [Wins] => 10
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 10
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 4
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 16
    [WorstPoints] => 5
    [LastFinish] => 1
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 5
    [F01] => 16
    [FP01] => 16
    [P02] => 22
    [F02] => 2
    [FP02] => 2
    [P03] => 25
    [F03] => 1
    [FP03] => 1
    [P04] => 25
    [F04] => 1
    [FP04] => 1
    [P05] => 13
    [F05] => 8
    [FP05] => 8
    [P06] => 15
    [F06] => 6
    [FP06] => 6
    [P07] => 25
    [F07] => 1
    [FP07] => 1
    [P08] => 22
    [F08] => 2
    [FP08] => 2
    [P09] => 25
    [F09] => 1
    [FP09] => 1
    [P10] => 25
    [F10] => 1
    [FP10] => 1
    [P11] => 25
    [F11] => 1
    [FP11] => 1
    [P12] => 25
    [F12] => 1
    [FP12] => 1
    [P13] => 25
    [F13] => 1
    [FP13] => 1
    [P14] => 22
    [F14] => 2
    [FP14] => 2
    [P15] => 22
    [F15] => 2
    [FP15] => 2
    [P16] => 25
    [F16] => 1
    [FP16] => 1
    [P17] => 25
    [F17] => 1
    [FP17] => 1
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => X
    [LL04] => X
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => X
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => X
    [LL10] => X
    [LL11] => X
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => X
    [LL14] => X
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => X
    [LL17] => X
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => X
    [BQ04] => X
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => X
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => X
    [BQ12] => X
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => X
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => X
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209114
    [FkProfileID] => 43253
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 2
    [AMA] => 300950
    [Comp] => 18
    [FullName] => David Millsaps
    [Hometown] => Murrieta, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 338
    [Wins] => 2
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 5
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 10
    [WorstPoints] => 11
    [LastFinish] => 3
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 25
    [F01] => 1
    [FP01] => 1
    [P02] => 20
    [F02] => 3
    [FP02] => 3
    [P03] => 18
    [F03] => 4
    [FP03] => 4
    [P04] => 22
    [F04] => 2
    [FP04] => 2
    [P05] => 22
    [F05] => 2
    [FP05] => 2
    [P06] => 25
    [F06] => 1
    [FP06] => 1
    [P07] => 22
    [F07] => 2
    [FP07] => 2
    [P08] => 20
    [F08] => 3
    [FP08] => 3
    [P09] => 15
    [F09] => 6
    [FP09] => 6
    [P10] => 11
    [F10] => 10
    [FP10] => 10
    [P11] => 18
    [F11] => 4
    [FP11] => 4
    [P12] => 22
    [F12] => 2
    [FP12] => 2
    [P13] => 16
    [F13] => 5
    [FP13] => 5
    [P14] => 20
    [F14] => 3
    [FP14] => 3
    [P15] => 20
    [F15] => 3
    [FP15] => 3
    [P16] => 22
    [F16] => 2
    [FP16] => 2
    [P17] => 20
    [F17] => 3
    [FP17] => 3
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => X
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => X
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => X
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => X
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => X
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => X
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209116
    [FkProfileID] => 43237
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 3
    [AMA] => 400035
    [Comp] => 5
    [FullName] => Ryan Dungey
    [Hometown] => Belle Plaine, MN
    [TotalPoints] => 337
    [Wins] => 2
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 4
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 8
    [WorstPoints] => 13
    [LastFinish] => 2
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 20
    [F01] => 3
    [FP01] => 3
    [P02] => 13
    [F02] => 8
    [FP02] => 8
    [P03] => 15
    [F03] => 6
    [FP03] => 6
    [P04] => 20
    [F04] => 3
    [FP04] => 3
    [P05] => 25
    [F05] => 1
    [FP05] => 1
    [P06] => 20
    [F06] => 3
    [FP06] => 3
    [P07] => 20
    [F07] => 3
    [FP07] => 3
    [P08] => 15
    [F08] => 6
    [FP08] => 6
    [P09] => 18
    [F09] => 4
    [FP09] => 4
    [P10] => 22
    [F10] => 2
    [FP10] => 2
    [P11] => 22
    [F11] => 2
    [FP11] => 2
    [P12] => 20
    [F12] => 3
    [FP12] => 3
    [P13] => 22
    [F13] => 2
    [FP13] => 2
    [P14] => 25
    [F14] => 1
    [FP14] => 1
    [P15] => 18
    [F15] => 4
    [FP15] => 4
    [P16] => 20
    [F16] => 3
    [FP16] => 3
    [P17] => 22
    [F17] => 2
    [FP17] => 2
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => X
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209120
    [FkProfileID] => 423189
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 4
    [AMA] => 300903
    [Comp] => 51
    [FullName] => Justin Barcia
    [Hometown] => Pinetta, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 277
    [Wins] => 2
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 5
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 14
    [F01] => 7
    [FP01] => 7
    [P02] => 25
    [F02] => 1
    [FP02] => 1
    [P03] => 1
    [F03] => 20
    [FP03] => 20
    [P04] => 1
    [F04] => 20
    [FP04] => 20
    [P05] => 20
    [F05] => 3
    [FP05] => 3
    [P06] => 22
    [F06] => 2
    [FP06] => 2
    [P07] => 15
    [F07] => 6
    [FP07] => 6
    [P08] => 18
    [F08] => 4
    [FP08] => 4
    [P09] => 16
    [F09] => 5
    [FP09] => 5
    [P10] => 20
    [F10] => 3
    [FP10] => 3
    [P11] => 16
    [F11] => 5
    [FP11] => 5
    [P12] => 16
    [F12] => 5
    [FP12] => 5
    [P13] => 18
    [F13] => 4
    [FP13] => 4
    [P14] => 18
    [F14] => 4
    [FP14] => 4
    [P15] => 25
    [F15] => 1
    [FP15] => 1
    [P16] => 16
    [F16] => 5
    [FP16] => 5
    [P17] => 16
    [F17] => 5
    [FP17] => 5
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => X
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => X
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => X
    [BQ02] => X
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => X
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209117
    [FkProfileID] => 43238
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 5
    [AMA] => 301001
    [Comp] => 22
    [FullName] => Chad Reed
    [Hometown] => Dade City, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 239
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 3
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 4
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 4
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 6
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 18
    [F01] => 4
    [FP01] => 4
    [P02] => 18
    [F02] => 4
    [FP02] => 4
    [P03] => 20
    [F03] => 3
    [FP03] => 3
    [P04] => 9
    [F04] => 12
    [FP04] => 12
    [P05] => 16
    [F05] => 5
    [FP05] => 5
    [P06] => 16
    [F06] => 5
    [FP06] => 5
    [P07] => 18
    [F07] => 4
    [FP07] => 4
    [P08] => 12
    [F08] => 9
    [FP08] => 9
    [P09] => 20
    [F09] => 3
    [FP09] => 3
    [P10] => 16
    [F10] => 5
    [FP10] => 5
    [P11] => 15
    [F11] => 6
    [FP11] => 6
    [P12] => 18
    [F12] => 4
    [FP12] => 4
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 16
    [F14] => 5
    [FP14] => 5
    [P15] => 1
    [F15] => 21
    [FP15] => 21
    [P16] => 11
    [F16] => 10
    [FP16] => 10
    [P17] => 15
    [F17] => 6
    [FP17] => 6
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209115
    [FkProfileID] => 43192
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 6
    [AMA] => 350062
    [Comp] => 41
    [FullName] => Trey Canard
    [Hometown] => Shawnee, OK
    [TotalPoints] => 221
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 2
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 3
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 22
    [F01] => 2
    [FP01] => 2
    [P02] => 16
    [F02] => 5
    [FP02] => 5
    [P03] => 22
    [F03] => 2
    [FP03] => 2
    [P04] => 18
    [F04] => 4
    [FP04] => 4
    [P05] => 14
    [F05] => 7
    [FP05] => 7
    [P06] => 13
    [F06] => 8
    [FP06] => 8
    [P07] => 14
    [F07] => 7
    [FP07] => 7
    [P08] => 16
    [F08] => 5
    [FP08] => 5
    [P09] => 13
    [F09] => 8
    [FP09] => 8
    [P10] => 15
    [F10] => 6
    [FP10] => 6
    [P11] => 2
    [F11] => 19
    [FP11] => 19
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 20
    [F13] => 3
    [FP13] => 3
    [P14] => 14
    [F14] => 7
    [FP14] => 7
    [P15] => 3
    [F15] => 18
    [FP15] => 18
    [P16] => 18
    [F16] => 4
    [FP16] => 4
    [P17] => 1
    [F17] => 20
    [FP17] => 20
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => X
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209119
    [FkProfileID] => 43249
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 7
    [AMA] => 203282
    [Comp] => 29
    [FullName] => Andrew Short
    [Hometown] => Smithville, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 214
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 6
    [NumBestFinish] => 4
    [SecondBestFinish] => 7
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 14
    [WorstPoints] => 7
    [LastFinish] => 9
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 15
    [F01] => 6
    [FP01] => 6
    [P02] => 12
    [F02] => 9
    [FP02] => 9
    [P03] => 14
    [F03] => 7
    [FP03] => 7
    [P04] => 15
    [F04] => 6
    [FP04] => 6
    [P05] => 15
    [F05] => 6
    [FP05] => 6
    [P06] => 12
    [F06] => 9
    [FP06] => 9
    [P07] => 12
    [F07] => 9
    [FP07] => 9
    [P08] => 7
    [F08] => 14
    [FP08] => 14
    [P09] => 11
    [F09] => 10
    [FP09] => 10
    [P10] => 9
    [F10] => 12
    [FP10] => 12
    [P11] => 14
    [F11] => 7
    [FP11] => 7
    [P12] => 12
    [F12] => 9
    [FP12] => 9
    [P13] => 14
    [F13] => 7
    [FP13] => 7
    [P14] => 15
    [F14] => 6
    [FP14] => 6
    [P15] => 12
    [F15] => 9
    [FP15] => 9
    [P16] => 13
    [F16] => 8
    [FP16] => 8
    [P17] => 12
    [F17] => 9
    [FP17] => 9
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209122
    [FkProfileID] => 43270
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 8
    [AMA] => 300875
    [Comp] => 10
    [FullName] => Justin Brayton
    [Hometown] => Cornelius, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 190
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 5
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 6
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 8
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 12
    [F01] => 9
    [FP01] => 9
    [P02] => 6
    [F02] => 15
    [FP02] => 15
    [P03] => 13
    [F03] => 8
    [FP03] => 8
    [P04] => 11
    [F04] => 10
    [FP04] => 10
    [P05] => 11
    [F05] => 10
    [FP05] => 10
    [P06] => 14
    [F06] => 7
    [FP06] => 7
    [P07] => 16
    [F07] => 5
    [FP07] => 5
    [P08] => 8
    [F08] => 13
    [FP08] => 13
    [P09] => 12
    [F09] => 9
    [FP09] => 9
    [P10] => 1
    [F10] => 20
    [FP10] => 20
    [P11] => 8
    [F11] => 13
    [FP11] => 13
    [P12] => 10
    [F12] => 11
    [FP12] => 11
    [P13] => 15
    [F13] => 6
    [FP13] => 6
    [P14] => 12
    [F14] => 9
    [FP14] => 9
    [P15] => 13
    [F15] => 8
    [FP15] => 8
    [P16] => 15
    [F16] => 6
    [FP16] => 6
    [P17] => 13
    [F17] => 8
    [FP17] => 8
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209131
    [FkProfileID] => 43272
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 9
    [AMA] => 300792
    [Comp] => 20
    [FullName] => Broc Tickle
    [Hometown] => Holly, MI
    [TotalPoints] => 176
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 7
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 8
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 10
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 3
    [F01] => 18
    [FP01] => 18
    [P02] => 9
    [F02] => 12
    [FP02] => 12
    [P03] => 10
    [F03] => 11
    [FP03] => 11
    [P04] => 13
    [F04] => 8
    [FP04] => 8
    [P05] => 12
    [F05] => 9
    [FP05] => 9
    [P06] => 10
    [F06] => 11
    [FP06] => 11
    [P07] => 11
    [F07] => 10
    [FP07] => 10
    [P08] => 9
    [F08] => 12
    [FP08] => 12
    [P09] => 10
    [F09] => 11
    [FP09] => 11
    [P10] => 12
    [F10] => 9
    [FP10] => 9
    [P11] => 10
    [F11] => 11
    [FP11] => 11
    [P12] => 13
    [F12] => 8
    [FP12] => 8
    [P13] => 11
    [F13] => 10
    [FP13] => 10
    [P14] => 8
    [F14] => 13
    [FP14] => 13
    [P15] => 14
    [F15] => 7
    [FP15] => 7
    [P16] => 10
    [F16] => 11
    [FP16] => 11
    [P17] => 11
    [F17] => 10
    [FP17] => 10
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209121
    [FkProfileID] => 43251
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 10
    [AMA] => 772736
    [Comp] => 7
    [FullName] => James Stewart
    [Hometown] => Haines City, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 174
    [Wins] => 1
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 18
    [LastRace] => S1370
    [P01] => 13
    [F01] => 8
    [FP01] => 8
    [P02] => 14
    [F02] => 7
    [FP02] => 7
    [P03] => 9
    [F03] => 12
    [FP03] => 12
    [P04] => 2
    [F04] => 19
    [FP04] => 19
    [P05] => 18
    [F05] => 4
    [FP05] => 4
    [P06] => 18
    [F06] => 4
    [FP06] => 4
    [P07] => 1
    [F07] => 20
    [FP07] => 20
    [P08] => 25
    [F08] => 1
    [FP08] => 1
    [P09] => 22
    [F09] => 2
    [FP09] => 2
    [P10] => 13
    [F10] => 8
    [FP10] => 8
    [P11] => 20
    [F11] => 3
    [FP11] => 3
    [P12] => 14
    [F12] => 7
    [FP12] => 7
    [P13] => 2
    [F13] => 19
    [FP13] => 19
    [P14] => 3
    [F14] => 18
    [FP14] => 18
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => X
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => X
    [BQ07] => X
    [BQ08] => X
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209118
    [FkProfileID] => 423183
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 11
    [AMA] => 300932
    [Comp] => 12
    [FullName] => Jake Weimer
    [Hometown] => Rupert, ID
    [TotalPoints] => 157
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 4
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 5
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 4
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 16
    [F01] => 5
    [FP01] => 5
    [P02] => 15
    [F02] => 6
    [FP02] => 6
    [P03] => 16
    [F03] => 5
    [FP03] => 5
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 1
    [F05] => 20
    [FP05] => 20
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 13
    [F08] => 8
    [FP08] => 8
    [P09] => 9
    [F09] => 12
    [FP09] => 12
    [P10] => 8
    [F10] => 13
    [FP10] => 13
    [P11] => 1
    [F11] => 20
    [FP11] => 20
    [P12] => 15
    [F12] => 6
    [FP12] => 6
    [P13] => 12
    [F13] => 9
    [FP13] => 9
    [P14] => 9
    [F14] => 12
    [FP14] => 12
    [P15] => 16
    [F15] => 5
    [FP15] => 5
    [P16] => 8
    [F16] => 13
    [FP16] => 13
    [P17] => 18
    [F17] => 4
    [FP17] => 4
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209125
    [FkProfileID] => 43185
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 12
    [AMA] => 350055
    [Comp] => 62
    [FullName] => Matthew Goerke
    [Hometown] => Lake Helen, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 139
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 7
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 8
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 11
    [LastRace] => S1370
    [P01] => 9
    [F01] => 12
    [FP01] => 12
    [P02] => 4
    [F02] => 17
    [FP02] => 17
    [P03] => 12
    [F03] => 9
    [FP03] => 9
    [P04] => 14
    [F04] => 7
    [FP04] => 7
    [P05] => 8
    [F05] => 13
    [FP05] => 13
    [P06] => 9
    [F06] => 12
    [FP06] => 12
    [P07] => 13
    [F07] => 8
    [FP07] => 8
    [P08] => 10
    [F08] => 11
    [FP08] => 11
    [P09] => 6
    [F09] => 15
    [FP09] => 15
    [P10] => 10
    [F10] => 11
    [FP10] => 11
    [P11] => 13
    [F11] => 8
    [FP11] => 8
    [P12] => 11
    [F12] => 10
    [FP12] => 10
    [P13] => 10
    [F13] => 11
    [FP13] => 11
    [P14] => 10
    [F14] => 11
    [FP14] => 11
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209133
    [FkProfileID] => 43234
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 13
    [AMA] => 301591
    [Comp] => 800
    [FullName] => Mike Alessi
    [Hometown] => Hilliard, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 107
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 5
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 6
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 6
    [LastRace] => S1375
    [P01] => 1
    [F01] => 20
    [FP01] => 20
    [P02] => 1
    [F02] => 20
    [FP02] => 20
    [P03] => 7
    [F03] => 14
    [FP03] => 14
    [P04] => 16
    [F04] => 5
    [FP04] => 5
    [P05] => 4
    [F05] => 17
    [FP05] => 17
    [P06] => 11
    [F06] => 10
    [FP06] => 10
    [P07] => 9
    [F07] => 12
    [FP07] => 12
    [P08] => 11
    [F08] => 10
    [FP08] => 10
    [P09] => 14
    [F09] => 7
    [FP09] => 7
    [P10] => 5
    [F10] => 16
    [FP10] => 16
    [P11] => 4
    [F11] => 17
    [FP11] => 17
    [P12] => 1
    [F12] => 20
    [FP12] => 20
    [P13] => 1
    [F13] => 20
    [FP13] => 20
    [P14] => 7
    [F14] => 14
    [FP14] => 14
    [P15] => 15
    [F15] => 6
    [FP15] => 6
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209127
    [FkProfileID] => 43226
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 14
    [AMA] => 400018
    [Comp] => 46
    [FullName] => Weston Peick
    [Hometown] => Wildomar, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 105
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 7
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 9
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 7
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 7
    [F01] => 14
    [FP01] => 14
    [P02] => 7
    [F02] => 14
    [FP02] => 14
    [P03] => 8
    [F03] => 13
    [FP03] => 13
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 7
    [F06] => 14
    [FP06] => 14
    [P07] => 10
    [F07] => 11
    [FP07] => 11
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 3
    [F09] => 18
    [FP09] => 18
    [P10] => 3
    [F10] => 18
    [FP10] => 18
    [P11] => 11
    [F11] => 10
    [FP11] => 10
    [P12] => 3
    [F12] => 18
    [FP12] => 18
    [P13] => 4
    [F13] => 17
    [FP13] => 17
    [P14] => 11
    [F14] => 10
    [FP14] => 10
    [P15] => 5
    [F15] => 16
    [FP15] => 16
    [P16] => 12
    [F16] => 9
    [FP16] => 9
    [P17] => 14
    [F17] => 7
    [FP17] => 7
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209170
    [FkProfileID] => 423191
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 15
    [AMA] => 301664
    [Comp] => 75
    [FullName] => Joshua Hill
    [Hometown] => Yoncalla, OR
    [TotalPoints] => 93
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 7
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 8
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 14
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 3
    [F06] => 18
    [FP06] => 18
    [P07] => 6
    [F07] => 15
    [FP07] => 15
    [P08] => 5
    [F08] => 16
    [FP08] => 16
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 6
    [F10] => 15
    [FP10] => 15
    [P11] => 9
    [F11] => 12
    [FP11] => 12
    [P12] => 8
    [F12] => 13
    [FP12] => 13
    [P13] => 13
    [F13] => 8
    [FP13] => 8
    [P14] => 13
    [F14] => 8
    [FP14] => 8
    [P15] => 9
    [F15] => 12
    [FP15] => 12
    [P16] => 14
    [F16] => 7
    [FP16] => 7
    [P17] => 7
    [F17] => 14
    [FP17] => 14
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209132
    [FkProfileID] => 423195
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 16
    [AMA] => 301207
    [Comp] => 39
    [FullName] => Robert Kiniry
    [Hometown] => Holland Patent, NY
    [TotalPoints] => 66
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 12
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 13
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 12
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 2
    [F01] => 19
    [FP01] => 19
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 3
    [F03] => 18
    [FP03] => 18
    [P04] => 6
    [F04] => 15
    [FP04] => 15
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 5
    [F06] => 16
    [FP06] => 16
    [P07] => 7
    [F07] => 14
    [FP07] => 14
    [P08] => 1
    [F08] => 20
    [FP08] => 20
    [P09] => 4
    [F09] => 17
    [FP09] => 17
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 3
    [F11] => 18
    [FP11] => 18
    [P12] => 6
    [F12] => 15
    [FP12] => 15
    [P13] => 8
    [F13] => 13
    [FP13] => 13
    [P14] => 5
    [F14] => 16
    [FP14] => 16
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 7
    [F16] => 14
    [FP16] => 14
    [P17] => 9
    [F17] => 12
    [FP17] => 12
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209263
    [FkProfileID] => 43254
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 17
    [AMA] => 301038
    [Comp] => 49
    [FullName] => Phillip Nicoletti
    [Hometown] => Bethel, NY
    [TotalPoints] => 58
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 10
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 11
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 11
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 2
    [F09] => 19
    [FP09] => 19
    [P10] => 2
    [F10] => 19
    [FP10] => 19
    [P11] => 7
    [F11] => 14
    [FP11] => 14
    [P12] => 9
    [F12] => 12
    [FP12] => 12
    [P13] => 9
    [F13] => 12
    [FP13] => 12
    [P14] => 2
    [F14] => 19
    [FP14] => 19
    [P15] => 11
    [F15] => 10
    [FP15] => 10
    [P16] => 6
    [F16] => 15
    [FP16] => 15
    [P17] => 10
    [F17] => 11
    [FP17] => 11
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209252
    [FkProfileID] => 423209
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 18
    [AMA] => 124056
    [Comp] => 17
    [FullName] => Eli Tomac
    [Hometown] => Cortez, CO
    [TotalPoints] => 52
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 4
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 7
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 13
    [WorstPoints] => 8
    [LastFinish] => 9
    [LastRace] => S1355
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 14
    [F08] => 7
    [FP08] => 7
    [P09] => 8
    [F09] => 13
    [FP09] => 13
    [P10] => 18
    [F10] => 4
    [FP10] => 4
    [P11] => 12
    [F11] => 9
    [FP11] => 9
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209142
    [FkProfileID] => 43278
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 19
    [AMA] => 300984
    [Comp] => 84
    [FullName] => Chris Blose
    [Hometown] => Phoenix, AZ
    [TotalPoints] => 50
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 14
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 15
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 3
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 15
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 4
    [F03] => 17
    [FP03] => 17
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 2
    [F05] => 19
    [FP05] => 19
    [P06] => 4
    [F06] => 17
    [FP06] => 17
    [P07] => 2
    [F07] => 19
    [FP07] => 19
    [P08] => 4
    [F08] => 17
    [FP08] => 17
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 5
    [F12] => 16
    [FP12] => 16
    [P13] => 6
    [F13] => 15
    [FP13] => 15
    [P14] => 6
    [F14] => 15
    [FP14] => 15
    [P15] => 7
    [F15] => 14
    [FP15] => 14
    [P16] => 4
    [F16] => 17
    [FP16] => 17
    [P17] => 6
    [F17] => 15
    [FP17] => 15
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209130
    [FkProfileID] => 43250
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 20
    [AMA] => 300972
    [Comp] => 42
    [FullName] => Vince Friese
    [Hometown] => Cape Girardeau, MO
    [TotalPoints] => 45
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 9
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 11
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 16
    [LastRace] => S1380
    [P01] => 4
    [F01] => 17
    [FP01] => 17
    [P02] => 3
    [F02] => 18
    [FP02] => 18
    [P03] => 5
    [F03] => 16
    [FP03] => 16
    [P04] => 12
    [F04] => 9
    [FP04] => 9
    [P05] => 6
    [F05] => 15
    [FP05] => 15
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 10
    [F15] => 11
    [FP15] => 11
    [P16] => 5
    [F16] => 16
    [FP16] => 16
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209124
    [FkProfileID] => 43221
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 21
    [AMA] => 300987
    [Comp] => 33
    [FullName] => Joshua Grant
    [Hometown] => Corona, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 40
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 10
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 11
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 18
    [LastRace] => S1325
    [P01] => 10
    [F01] => 11
    [FP01] => 11
    [P02] => 11
    [F02] => 10
    [FP02] => 10
    [P03] => 11
    [F03] => 10
    [FP03] => 10
    [P04] => 5
    [F04] => 16
    [FP04] => 16
    [P05] => 3
    [F05] => 18
    [FP05] => 18
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209171
    [FkProfileID] => 43212
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 22
    [AMA] => 300794
    [Comp] => 57
    [FullName] => Ben Lamay
    [Hometown] => Wasilla, AK
    [TotalPoints] => 39
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 12
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 13
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 12
    [LastRace] => S1380
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 2
    [F06] => 19
    [FP06] => 19
    [P07] => 5
    [F07] => 16
    [FP07] => 16
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 4
    [F10] => 17
    [FP10] => 17
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 7
    [F12] => 14
    [FP12] => 14
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 4
    [F14] => 17
    [FP14] => 17
    [P15] => 8
    [F15] => 13
    [FP15] => 13
    [P16] => 9
    [F16] => 12
    [FP16] => 12
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209138
    [FkProfileID] => 423201
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 23
    [AMA] => 350085
    [Comp] => 55
    [FullName] => Jimmy Albertson
    [Hometown] => Shawnee, OK
    [TotalPoints] => 38
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 11
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 12
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 14
    [LastRace] => S1345
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 2
    [F02] => 19
    [FP02] => 19
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 10
    [F04] => 11
    [FP04] => 11
    [P05] => 9
    [F05] => 12
    [FP05] => 12
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 8
    [F07] => 13
    [FP07] => 13
    [P08] => 2
    [F08] => 19
    [FP08] => 19
    [P09] => 7
    [F09] => 14
    [FP09] => 14
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209126
    [FkProfileID] => 423190
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 24
    [AMA] => 301721
    [Comp] => 11
    [FullName] => Kyle Chisholm
    [Hometown] => Valrico, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 38
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 13
    [NumBestFinish] => 3
    [SecondBestFinish] => 14
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S1345
    [P01] => 8
    [F01] => 13
    [FP01] => 13
    [P02] => 8
    [F02] => 13
    [FP02] => 13
    [P03] => 6
    [F03] => 15
    [FP03] => 15
    [P04] => 8
    [F04] => 13
    [FP04] => 13
    [P05] => 7
    [F05] => 14
    [FP05] => 14
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 1
    [F09] => 20
    [FP09] => 20
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209128
    [FkProfileID] => 423186
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 25
    [AMA] => 400101
    [Comp] => 47
    [FullName] => Matthew Lemoine
    [Hometown] => Collinsville, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 34
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 11
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 13
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 13
    [LastRace] => S1330
    [P01] => 6
    [F01] => 15
    [FP01] => 15
    [P02] => 5
    [F02] => 16
    [FP02] => 16
    [P03] => 2
    [F03] => 19
    [FP03] => 19
    [P04] => 3
    [F04] => 18
    [FP04] => 18
    [P05] => 10
    [F05] => 11
    [FP05] => 11
    [P06] => 8
    [F06] => 13
    [FP06] => 13
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209172
    [FkProfileID] => 43275
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 26
    [AMA] => 642111
    [Comp] => 85
    [FullName] => Kyle Partridge
    [Hometown] => Lake Elsinore, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 29
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 15
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 16
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 17
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 1
    [F06] => 20
    [FP06] => 20
    [P07] => 3
    [F07] => 18
    [FP07] => 18
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 5
    [F09] => 16
    [FP09] => 16
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 6
    [F11] => 15
    [FP11] => 15
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 5
    [F13] => 16
    [FP13] => 16
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 4
    [F15] => 17
    [FP15] => 17
    [P16] => 1
    [F16] => 20
    [FP16] => 20
    [P17] => 4
    [F17] => 17
    [FP17] => 17
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209146
    [FkProfileID] => 43193
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 27
    [AMA] => 350063
    [Comp] => 54
    [FullName] => Les Smith
    [Hometown] => York, SC
    [TotalPoints] => 27
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 14
    [NumBestFinish] => 3
    [SecondBestFinish] => 18
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S1370
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 7
    [F04] => 14
    [FP04] => 14
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 3
    [F08] => 18
    [FP08] => 18
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 7
    [F10] => 14
    [FP10] => 14
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 2
    [F12] => 19
    [FP12] => 19
    [P13] => 7
    [F13] => 14
    [FP13] => 14
    [P14] => 1
    [F14] => 20
    [FP14] => 20
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209123
    [FkProfileID] => 423198
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 28
    [AMA] => 301189
    [Comp] => 14
    [FullName] => Kevin Windham
    [Hometown] => Centreville, MS
    [TotalPoints] => 21
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 10
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 11
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 11
    [WorstPoints] => 10
    [LastFinish] => 11
    [LastRace] => S1310
    [P01] => 11
    [F01] => 10
    [FP01] => 10
    [P02] => 10
    [F02] => 11
    [FP02] => 11
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209165
    [FkProfileID] => 423197
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 29
    [AMA] => 350006
    [Comp] => 69
    [FullName] => Peter Larsen
    [Hometown] => Menifee, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 17
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 15
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 16
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 16
    [WorstPoints] => 5
    [LastFinish] => 15
    [LastRace] => S1340
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 5
    [F05] => 16
    [FP05] => 16
    [P06] => 6
    [F06] => 15
    [FP06] => 15
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 6
    [F08] => 15
    [FP08] => 15
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209266
    [FkProfileID] => 43286
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 30
    [AMA] => 129066
    [Comp] => 94
    [FullName] => Ken Roczen
    [Hometown] => Murrieta, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 14
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 7
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 7
    [WorstPoints] => 14
    [LastFinish] => 7
    [LastRace] => S1350
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 14
    [F10] => 7
    [FP10] => 7
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209303
    [FkProfileID] => 423199
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 31
    [AMA] => 350084
    [Comp] => 374
    [FullName] => Cody Gilmore
    [Hometown] => Blair, NE
    [TotalPoints] => 14
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 15
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 16
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 16
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 6
    [F15] => 15
    [FP15] => 15
    [P16] => 3
    [F16] => 18
    [FP16] => 18
    [P17] => 5
    [F17] => 16
    [FP17] => 16
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209228
    [FkProfileID] => 427214
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 32
    [AMA] => 300838
    [Comp] => 64
    [FullName] => Justin Sipes
    [Hometown] => Flaherty, KY
    [TotalPoints] => 13
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 16
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 17
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 17
    [LastRace] => S1360
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 4
    [F07] => 17
    [FP07] => 17
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 5
    [F11] => 16
    [FP11] => 16
    [P12] => 4
    [F12] => 17
    [FP12] => 17
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 215614
    [FkProfileID] => 427359
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 33
    [AMA] => 400105
    [Comp] => 56
    [FullName] => Kyle Regal
    [Hometown] => Howell, MI
    [TotalPoints] => 8
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 13
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 13
    [WorstPoints] => 8
    [LastFinish] => 13
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 8
    [F17] => 13
    [FP17] => 13
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209292
    [FkProfileID] => 427185
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 34
    [AMA] => 124625
    [Comp] => 722
    [FullName] => Adam Enticknap
    [Hometown] => Lompoc, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 5
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 18
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 19
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S1380
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 3
    [F13] => 18
    [FP13] => 18
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 2
    [F16] => 19
    [FP16] => 19
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209147
    [FkProfileID] => 427184
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 35
    [AMA] => 350095
    [Comp] => 920
    [FullName] => Cedric Soubeyras
    [Hometown] => Berre L'Etang, France
    [TotalPoints] => 4
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 17
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 17
    [LastRace] => S1320
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 4
    [F04] => 17
    [FP04] => 17
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 215615
    [FkProfileID] => 43225
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 36
    [AMA] => 301071
    [Comp] => 415
    [FullName] => Nicholas Schmidt
    [Hometown] => Seattle, WA
    [TotalPoints] => 3
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 18
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 18
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 18
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 3
    [F17] => 18
    [FP17] => 18
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 209304
    [FkProfileID] => 427193
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 37
    [AMA] => 300861
    [Comp] => 143
    [FullName] => Michael Horban
    [Hometown] => Grants Pass, OR
    [TotalPoints] => 2
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 19
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S1375
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 2
    [F15] => 19
    [FP15] => 19
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 215616
    [FkProfileID] => 43267
    [FkClassID] => 197
    [Year] => 2013
    [Class] => S1
    [Position] => 38
    [AMA] => 400109
    [Comp] => 95
    [FullName] => Tevin Tapia
    [Hometown] => Menifee, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 2
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 19
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S1385
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 2
    [F17] => 19
    [FP17] => 19
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S1305
    [Sanction02] => S1310
    [Sanction03] => S1315
    [Sanction04] => S1320
    [Sanction05] => S1325
    [Sanction06] => S1330
    [Sanction07] => S1335
    [Sanction08] => S1340
    [Sanction09] => S1345
    [Sanction10] => S1350
    [Sanction11] => S1355
    [Sanction12] => S1360
    [Sanction13] => S1365
    [Sanction14] => S1370
    [Sanction15] => S1375
    [Sanction16] => S1380
    [Sanction17] => S1385
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 1
    [RNum11] => 1
    [RNum12] => 1
    [RNum13] => 1
    [RNum14] => 1
    [RNum15] => 1
    [RNum16] => 1
    [RNum17] => 1
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
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    [BQ01] => 
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    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
Salt Lake City
Rice-Eccles Stadium - Salt Lake City, UT
Round 16 Of 18 April 27, 2013
POS. # RIDER HOMETOWN POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Position 1 1 Ryan Villopoto Seattle, WA 346 5 22 25 25 13 15 25 22 25 25 25 25 25 22 22 25
Position 2 18 David Millsaps Murrieta, CA 318 25 20 18 22 22 25 22 20 15 11 18 22 16 20 20 22
Position 3 5 Ryan Dungey Belle Plaine, MN 315 20 13 15 20 25 20 20 15 18 22 22 20 22 25 18 20
Position 4 51 Justin Barcia Pinetta, FL 261 14 25 1 1 20 22 15 18 16 20 16 16 18 18 25 16
Position 5 22 Chad Reed Dade City, FL 224 18 18 20 9 16 16 18 12 20 16 15 18 16 1 11
Position 6 41 Trey Canard Shawnee, OK 220 22 16 22 18 14 13 14 16 13 15 2 20 14 3 18
Position 7 29 Andrew Short Smithville, TX 202 15 12 14 15 15 12 12 7 11 9 14 12 14 15 12 13
Position 8 10 Justin Brayton Cornelius, NC 177 12 6 13 11 11 14 16 8 12 1 8 10 15 12 13 15
Position 9 7 James Stewart Haines City, FL 174 13 14 9 2 18 18 1 25 22 13 20 14 2 3
Position 10 20 Broc Tickle Holly, MI 165 3 9 10 13 12 10 11 9 10 12 10 13 11 8 14 10
Position 11 12 Jake Weimer Rupert, ID 139 16 15 16 1 13 9 8 1 15 12 9 16 8
Position 12 62 Matthew Goerke Lake Helen, FL 139 9 4 12 14 8 9 13 10 6 10 13 11 10 10
Position 13 800 Mike Alessi Hilliard, FL 107 1 1 7 16 4 11 9 11 14 5 4 1 1 7 15
Position 14 46 Weston Peick Wildomar, CA 91 7 7 8 7 10 3 3 11 3 4 11 5 12
Position 15 75 Joshua Hill Yoncalla, OR 86 3 6 5 6 9 8 13 13 9 14
Position 16 39 Robert Kiniry Holland Patent, NY 57 2 3 6 5 7 1 4 3 6 8 5 7
Position 17 17 Eli Tomac Cortez, CO 52 14 8 18 12
Position 18 49 Phillip Nicoletti Bethel, NY 48 2 2 7 9 9 2 11 6
Position 19 42 Vince Friese Cape Girardeau, MO 45 4 3 5 12 6 10 5
Position 20 84 Chris Blose Phoenix, AZ 44 4 2 4 2 4 5 6 6 7 4
Position 21 33 Joshua Grant Corona, CA 40 10 11 11 5 3
Position 22 57 Ben Lamay Wasilla, AK 39 2 5 4 7 4 8 9
Position 23 55 Jimmy Albertson Shawnee, OK 38 2 10 9 8 2 7
Position 24 11 Kyle Chisholm Valrico, FL 38 8 8 6 8 7 1
Position 25 47 Matthew Lemoine Collinsville, TX 34 6 5 2 3 10 8
Position 26 54 Les Smith York, SC 27 7 3 7 2 7 1
Position 27 85 Kyle Partridge Lake Elsinore, CA 25 1 3 5 6 5 4 1
Position 28 14 Kevin Windham Centreville, MS 21 11 10
Position 29 69 Peter Larsen Menifee, CA 17 5 6 6
Position 30 94 Ken Roczen Murrieta, CA 14 14
Position 31 64 Justin Sipes Flaherty, KY 13 4 5 4
Position 32 374 Cody Gilmore Blair, NE 9 6 3
Position 33 722 Adam Enticknap Lompoc, CA 5 3 2
Position 34 920 Cedric Soubeyras Berre L'Etang, France 4 4
Position 35 143 Michael Horban Grants Pass, OR 2 2
Position 36 56 Kyle Regal Howell, MI 0
Position 37 415 Nicholas Schmidt Seattle, WA 0
Position 38 95 Tevin Tapia Menifee, CA 0