Skip to content
    [0] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818531
            [FkProfileID] => 3554187
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 1
            [AMA] => 142107
            [Comp] => 18
            [FullName] => Jett Lawrence
            [Hometown] => Zephyrhills, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 192
            [Wins] => 4
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 4
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 3
            [WorstPoints] => 21
            [LastFinish] => 2
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 26
            [F01] => 1
            [FP01] => 1
            [P02] => 21
            [F02] => 3
            [FP02] => 3
            [P03] => 26
            [F03] => 1
            [FP03] => 1
            [P04] => 26
            [F04] => 1
            [FP04] => 1
            [P05] => 26
            [F05] => 1
            [FP05] => 1
            [P06] => 23
            [F06] => 2
            [FP06] => 2
            [P07] => 21
            [F07] => 3
            [FP07] => 3
            [P08] => 23
            [F08] => 2
            [FP08] => 2
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => X
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => X
            [LL04] => X
            [LL05] => X
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [1] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818535
            [FkProfileID] => 3626355
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 2
            [AMA] => 134378
            [Comp] => 24
            [FullName] => Rj Hampshire
            [Hometown] => Minneola, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 158
            [Wins] => 1
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 3
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 16
            [WorstPoints] => 7
            [LastFinish] => 4
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 18
            [F01] => 5
            [FP01] => 5
            [P02] => 7
            [F02] => 16
            [FP02] => 16
            [P03] => 16
            [F03] => 7
            [FP03] => 7
            [P04] => 19
            [F04] => 4
            [FP04] => 4
            [P05] => 21
            [F05] => 3
            [FP05] => 3
            [P06] => 26
            [F06] => 1
            [FP06] => 1
            [P07] => 15
            [F07] => 8
            [FP07] => 8
            [P08] => 17
            [F08] => 6
            [FP08] => 6
            [P09] => 19
            [F09] => 4
            [FP09] => 4
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => X
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [2] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818536
            [FkProfileID] => 3626350
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 3
            [AMA] => 141940
            [Comp] => 44
            [FullName] => Pierce Brown
            [Hometown] => Sandy, UT
            [TotalPoints] => 149
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 3
            [NumBestFinish] => 3
            [SecondBestFinish] => 4
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 16
            [WorstPoints] => 7
            [LastFinish] => 3
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 17
            [F01] => 6
            [FP01] => 6
            [P02] => 11
            [F02] => 12
            [FP02] => 12
            [P03] => 19
            [F03] => 4
            [FP03] => 4
            [P04] => 21
            [F04] => 3
            [FP04] => 3
            [P05] => 19
            [F05] => 4
            [FP05] => 4
            [P06] => 7
            [F06] => 16
            [FP06] => 16
            [P07] => 13
            [F07] => 10
            [FP07] => 10
            [P08] => 21
            [F08] => 3
            [FP08] => 3
            [P09] => 21
            [F09] => 3
            [FP09] => 3
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => X
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => X
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => X
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => X
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [3] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818587
            [FkProfileID] => 3554288
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 4
            [AMA] => 350025
            [Comp] => 54
            [FullName] => Mitchell Oldenburg
            [Hometown] => Aledo, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 132
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 3
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 4
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 13
            [WorstPoints] => 10
            [LastFinish] => 13
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 19
            [F02] => 4
            [FP02] => 4
            [P03] => 14
            [F03] => 9
            [FP03] => 9
            [P04] => 17
            [F04] => 6
            [FP04] => 6
            [P05] => 18
            [F05] => 5
            [FP05] => 5
            [P06] => 21
            [F06] => 3
            [FP06] => 3
            [P07] => 14
            [F07] => 9
            [FP07] => 9
            [P08] => 19
            [F08] => 4
            [FP08] => 4
            [P09] => 10
            [F09] => 13
            [FP09] => 13
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [4] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818538
            [FkProfileID] => 3620348
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 5
            [AMA] => 350464
            [Comp] => 80
            [FullName] => Enzo Lopes
            [Hometown] => Indian Trail, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 117
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 5
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 6
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 15
            [F01] => 8
            [FP01] => 8
            [P02] => 17
            [F02] => 6
            [FP02] => 6
            [P03] => 18
            [F03] => 5
            [FP03] => 5
            [P04] => 14
            [F04] => 9
            [FP04] => 9
            [P05] => 17
            [F05] => 6
            [FP05] => 6
            [P06] => 11
            [F06] => 12
            [FP06] => 12
            [P07] => 8
            [F07] => 15
            [FP07] => 15
            [P08] => 16
            [F08] => 7
            [FP08] => 7
            [P09] => 1
            [F09] => 22
            [FP09] => 22
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [5] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818543
            [FkProfileID] => 3554215
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 6
            [AMA] => 135315
            [Comp] => 90
            [FullName] => Jordon Smith
            [Hometown] => Ochlocknee, GA
            [TotalPoints] => 116
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 5
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 6
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 14
            [WorstPoints] => 9
            [LastFinish] => 11
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 10
            [F01] => 13
            [FP01] => 13
            [P02] => 18
            [F02] => 5
            [FP02] => 5
            [P03] => 17
            [F03] => 6
            [FP03] => 6
            [P04] => 18
            [F04] => 5
            [FP04] => 5
            [P05] => 15
            [F05] => 8
            [FP05] => 8
            [P06] => 17
            [F06] => 6
            [FP06] => 6
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 9
            [F08] => 14
            [FP08] => 14
            [P09] => 12
            [F09] => 11
            [FP09] => 11
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [6] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818533
            [FkProfileID] => 3554286
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 7
            [AMA] => 350903
            [Comp] => 48
            [FullName] => Cameron McAdoo
            [Hometown] => Sioux City, IA
            [TotalPoints] => 114
            [Wins] => 1
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 3
            [WorstPoints] => 21
            [LastFinish] => 2
            [LastRace] => S2255
            [P01] => 21
            [F01] => 3
            [FP01] => 3
            [P02] => 26
            [F02] => 1
            [FP02] => 1
            [P03] => 21
            [F03] => 3
            [FP03] => 3
            [P04] => 23
            [F04] => 2
            [FP04] => 2
            [P05] => 23
            [F05] => 2
            [FP05] => 2
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => X
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [7] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818541
            [FkProfileID] => 3620354
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 8
            [AMA] => 132165
            [Comp] => 81
            [FullName] => Jace Owen
            [Hometown] => Mattoon, IL
            [TotalPoints] => 101
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 7
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 9
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 6
            [LastFinish] => 12
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 8
            [F01] => 11
            [FP01] => 11
            [P02] => 12
            [F02] => 11
            [FP02] => 11
            [P03] => 12
            [F03] => 11
            [FP03] => 11
            [P04] => 9
            [F04] => 14
            [FP04] => 14
            [P05] => 14
            [F05] => 9
            [FP05] => 9
            [P06] => 16
            [F06] => 7
            [FP06] => 7
            [P07] => 6
            [F07] => 17
            [FP07] => 17
            [P08] => 13
            [F08] => 10
            [FP08] => 10
            [P09] => 11
            [F09] => 12
            [FP09] => 12
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [8] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818532
            [FkProfileID] => 3626444
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 9
            [AMA] => 136561
            [Comp] => 33
            [FullName] => Austin Forkner
            [Hometown] => Richards, MO
            [TotalPoints] => 98
            [Wins] => 1
            [BestFinish] => 1
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 2
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 7
            [WorstPoints] => 16
            [LastFinish] => 6
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 23
            [F01] => 2
            [FP01] => 2
            [P02] => 16
            [F02] => 7
            [FP02] => 7
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 16
            [F07] => 7
            [FP07] => 7
            [P08] => 26
            [F08] => 1
            [FP08] => 1
            [P09] => 17
            [F09] => 6
            [FP09] => 6
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => X
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [9] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818542
            [FkProfileID] => 3626353
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 10
            [AMA] => 141261
            [Comp] => 331
            [FullName] => Derek Drake
            [Hometown] => Lake Elsinore, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 88
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 11
            [NumBestFinish] => 3
            [SecondBestFinish] => 12
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 14
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 11
            [F01] => 12
            [FP01] => 12
            [P02] => 10
            [F02] => 13
            [FP02] => 13
            [P03] => 4
            [F03] => 19
            [FP03] => 19
            [P04] => 12
            [F04] => 11
            [FP04] => 11
            [P05] => 12
            [F05] => 11
            [FP05] => 11
            [P06] => 12
            [F06] => 11
            [FP06] => 11
            [P07] => 7
            [F07] => 16
            [FP07] => 16
            [P08] => 11
            [F08] => 12
            [FP08] => 12
            [P09] => 9
            [F09] => 14
            [FP09] => 14
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [10] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818550
            [FkProfileID] => 3626214
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 11
            [AMA] => 143720
            [Comp] => 38
            [FullName] => Joshua Varize
            [Hometown] => Perris, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 78
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 8
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 10
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 8
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 3
            [F01] => 20
            [FP01] => 20
            [P02] => 8
            [F02] => 15
            [FP02] => 15
            [P03] => 13
            [F03] => 10
            [FP03] => 10
            [P04] => 13
            [F04] => 10
            [FP04] => 10
            [P05] => 11
            [F05] => 12
            [FP05] => 12
            [P06] => 15
            [F06] => 8
            [FP06] => 8
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 15
            [F08] => 8
            [FP08] => 8
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [11] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818540
            [FkProfileID] => 3620916
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 12
            [AMA] => 301038
            [Comp] => 715
            [FullName] => Phillip Nicoletti
            [Hometown] => Bethel, NY
            [TotalPoints] => 76
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 5
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 7
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 10
            [WorstPoints] => 13
            [LastFinish] => 5
            [LastRace] => S2265
            [P01] => 13
            [F01] => 10
            [FP01] => 10
            [P02] => 14
            [F02] => 9
            [FP02] => 9
            [P03] => 15
            [F03] => 8
            [FP03] => 8
            [P04] => 16
            [F04] => 7
            [FP04] => 7
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 18
            [F06] => 5
            [FP06] => 5
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [12] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818537
            [FkProfileID] => 3626364
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 13
            [AMA] => 143778
            [Comp] => 50
            [FullName] => Stilez Robertson
            [Hometown] => Bakersfield, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 67
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 2
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 7
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 10
            [WorstPoints] => 13
            [LastFinish] => 8
            [LastRace] => S2250
            [P01] => 16
            [F01] => 7
            [FP01] => 7
            [P02] => 13
            [F02] => 10
            [FP02] => 10
            [P03] => 23
            [F03] => 2
            [FP03] => 2
            [P04] => 15
            [F04] => 8
            [FP04] => 8
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [13] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818633
            [FkProfileID] => 3620299
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 14
            [AMA] => 301721
            [Comp] => 11
            [FullName] => Kyle Chisholm
            [Hometown] => Valrico, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 64
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 4
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 5
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 12
            [WorstPoints] => 11
            [LastFinish] => 5
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 11
            [F04] => 12
            [FP04] => 12
            [P05] => 16
            [F05] => 7
            [FP05] => 7
            [P06] => 19
            [F06] => 4
            [FP06] => 4
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 18
            [F08] => 5
            [FP08] => 5
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [14] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818545
            [FkProfileID] => 3554155
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 15
            [AMA] => 145563
            [Comp] => 140
            [FullName] => Cullin Park
            [Hometown] => Clermont, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 56
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 9
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 10
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 16
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 8
            [F01] => 15
            [FP01] => 15
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 5
            [F03] => 18
            [FP03] => 18
            [P04] => 4
            [F04] => 19
            [FP04] => 19
            [P05] => 13
            [F05] => 10
            [FP05] => 10
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 5
            [F07] => 18
            [FP07] => 18
            [P08] => 14
            [F08] => 9
            [FP08] => 9
            [P09] => 7
            [F09] => 16
            [FP09] => 16
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [15] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818588
            [FkProfileID] => 3554213
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 16
            [AMA] => 134377
            [Comp] => 72
            [FullName] => John Short
            [Hometown] => Pilot Point, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 54
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 9
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 12
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 14
            [WorstPoints] => 9
            [LastFinish] => 13
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 9
            [F02] => 14
            [FP02] => 14
            [P03] => 11
            [F03] => 12
            [FP03] => 12
            [P04] => 10
            [F04] => 13
            [FP04] => 13
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 14
            [F06] => 9
            [FP06] => 9
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 10
            [F08] => 13
            [FP08] => 13
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [16] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818534
            [FkProfileID] => 3621015
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 17
            [AMA] => 129074
            [Comp] => 6
            [FullName] => Jeremy Martin
            [Hometown] => Rochester, MN
            [TotalPoints] => 42
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 2
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 4
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 4
            [WorstPoints] => 19
            [LastFinish] => 2
            [LastRace] => S2240
            [P01] => 19
            [F01] => 4
            [FP01] => 4
            [P02] => 23
            [F02] => 2
            [FP02] => 2
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [17] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818544
            [FkProfileID] => 3626195
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 18
            [AMA] => 137785
            [Comp] => 129
            [FullName] => Henry Miller
            [Hometown] => Rochester, MN
            [TotalPoints] => 41
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 13
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 14
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 6
            [LastFinish] => 15
            [LastRace] => S2255
            [P01] => 9
            [F01] => 14
            [FP01] => 14
            [P02] => 6
            [F02] => 17
            [FP02] => 17
            [P03] => 10
            [F03] => 13
            [FP03] => 13
            [P04] => 8
            [F04] => 15
            [FP04] => 15
            [P05] => 8
            [F05] => 15
            [FP05] => 15
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [18] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818548
            [FkProfileID] => 3621020
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 19
            [AMA] => 133331
            [Comp] => 285
            [FullName] => Marshal Weltin
            [Hometown] => Ubly, MI
            [TotalPoints] => 39
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 11
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 13
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 21
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 5
            [F01] => 18
            [FP01] => 18
            [P02] => 5
            [F02] => 18
            [FP02] => 18
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 5
            [F04] => 18
            [FP04] => 18
            [P05] => 10
            [F05] => 13
            [FP05] => 13
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 12
            [F08] => 11
            [FP08] => 11
            [P09] => 2
            [F09] => 21
            [FP09] => 21
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [19] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818551
            [FkProfileID] => 3620339
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 20
            [AMA] => 350475
            [Comp] => 39
            [FullName] => Jarrett Frye
            [Hometown] => Mechanicsville, MD
            [TotalPoints] => 35
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 15
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 17
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S2285
            [P01] => 2
            [F01] => 21
            [FP01] => 21
            [P02] => 4
            [F02] => 19
            [FP02] => 19
            [P03] => 3
            [F03] => 20
            [FP03] => 20
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 6
            [F05] => 17
            [FP05] => 17
            [P06] => 8
            [F06] => 15
            [FP06] => 15
            [P07] => 3
            [F07] => 20
            [FP07] => 20
            [P08] => 6
            [F08] => 17
            [FP08] => 17
            [P09] => 3
            [F09] => 20
            [FP09] => 20
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [20] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818549
            [FkProfileID] => 3620356
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 21
            [AMA] => 127279
            [Comp] => 52
            [FullName] => Kyle Peters
            [Hometown] => Greensboro, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 25
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 8
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 18
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 18
            [LastRace] => S2265
            [P01] => 4
            [F01] => 19
            [FP01] => 19
            [P02] => 15
            [F02] => 8
            [FP02] => 8
            [P03] => 1
            [F03] => 22
            [FP03] => 22
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 5
            [F06] => 18
            [FP06] => 18
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [21] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818589
            [FkProfileID] => 3620332
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 22
            [AMA] => 143584
            [Comp] => 519
            [FullName] => Joshua Cartwright
            [Hometown] => Fort Worth, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 24
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 13
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 17
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 18
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 3
            [F02] => 20
            [FP02] => 20
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 6
            [F04] => 17
            [FP04] => 17
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 10
            [F06] => 13
            [FP06] => 13
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 5
            [F08] => 18
            [FP08] => 18
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [22] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818606
            [FkProfileID] => 3626237
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 23
            [AMA] => 143523
            [Comp] => 243
            [FullName] => Hardy Munoz
            [Hometown] => Kissimmee, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 23
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 14
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 20
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 9
            [F03] => 14
            [FP03] => 14
            [P04] => 3
            [F04] => 20
            [FP04] => 20
            [P05] => 9
            [F05] => 14
            [FP05] => 14
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 1
            [F07] => 22
            [FP07] => 22
            [P08] => 1
            [F08] => 22
            [FP08] => 22
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [23] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818673
            [FkProfileID] => 3620323
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 24
            [AMA] => 350271
            [Comp] => 70
            [FullName] => Ramyller Alves
            [Hometown] => Coconut Creek, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 17
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 10
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 21
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 21
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 13
            [F06] => 10
            [FP06] => 10
            [P07] => 2
            [F07] => 21
            [FP07] => 21
            [P08] => 2
            [F08] => 21
            [FP08] => 21
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [24] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818635
            [FkProfileID] => 3620342
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 25
            [AMA] => 142351
            [Comp] => 460
            [FullName] => Michael Hicks
            [Hometown] => Fenton, MO
            [TotalPoints] => 17
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 14
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 16
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 14
            [LastRace] => S2265
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 1
            [F04] => 22
            [FP04] => 22
            [P05] => 7
            [F05] => 16
            [FP05] => 16
            [P06] => 9
            [F06] => 14
            [FP06] => 14
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [25] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818546
            [FkProfileID] => 3620408
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 26
            [AMA] => 135269
            [Comp] => 63
            [FullName] => Jeremy Hand
            [Hometown] => Mantua, OH
            [TotalPoints] => 16
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 16
            [NumBestFinish] => 2
            [SecondBestFinish] => 21
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 21
            [LastRace] => S2265
            [P01] => 7
            [F01] => 16
            [FP01] => 16
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 7
            [F04] => 16
            [FP04] => 16
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 2
            [F06] => 21
            [FP06] => 21
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [26] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818539
            [FkProfileID] => 3620983
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 27
            [AMA] => 144406
            [Comp] => 59
            [FullName] => Levi Kitchen
            [Hometown] => Washougal, WA
            [TotalPoints] => 15
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 9
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 22
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2240
            [P01] => 14
            [F01] => 9
            [FP01] => 9
            [P02] => 1
            [F02] => 22
            [FP02] => 22
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [27] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818610
            [FkProfileID] => 3620914
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 28
            [AMA] => 351279
            [Comp] => 192
            [FullName] => Jack Chambers
            [Hometown] => Auburndale, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 15
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 16
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 17
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 16
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 2
            [F03] => 21
            [FP03] => 21
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 6
            [F06] => 17
            [FP06] => 17
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 7
            [F08] => 16
            [FP08] => 16
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [28] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818608
            [FkProfileID] => 3620406
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 29
            [AMA] => 350489
            [Comp] => 194
            [FullName] => Lance Kobusch
            [Hometown] => Malakoff, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 15
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 16
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 18
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S2265
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 7
            [F03] => 16
            [FP03] => 16
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 5
            [F05] => 18
            [FP05] => 18
            [P06] => 3
            [F06] => 20
            [FP06] => 20
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [29] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818656
            [FkProfileID] => 3625687
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 30
            [AMA] => 144585
            [Comp] => 508
            [FullName] => Hunter Yoder
            [Hometown] => Menifee, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 12
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 15
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 19
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 15
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 4
            [F05] => 19
            [FP05] => 19
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 8
            [F08] => 15
            [FP08] => 15
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [30] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818607
            [FkProfileID] => 3554181
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 31
            [AMA] => 141096
            [Comp] => 65
            [FullName] => Grant Harlan
            [Hometown] => Kailua Kona Hawaii
            [TotalPoints] => 8
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 15
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 15
            [WorstPoints] => 8
            [LastFinish] => 15
            [LastRace] => S2245
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 8
            [F03] => 15
            [FP03] => 15
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [31] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818547
            [FkProfileID] => 3554041
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 32
            [AMA] => 136869
            [Comp] => 37
            [FullName] => Coty Schock
            [Hometown] => Dover, DE
            [TotalPoints] => 8
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 17
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 21
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 21
            [LastRace] => S2240
            [P01] => 6
            [F01] => 17
            [FP01] => 17
            [P02] => 2
            [F02] => 21
            [FP02] => 21
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [32] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818609
            [FkProfileID] => 3625858
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 33
            [AMA] => 139236
            [Comp] => 247
            [FullName] => Brock Papi
            [Hometown] => CLERMONT, FL
            [TotalPoints] => 6
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 17
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 17
            [WorstPoints] => 6
            [LastFinish] => 17
            [LastRace] => S2245
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 6
            [F03] => 17
            [FP03] => 17
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [33] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818658
            [FkProfileID] => 3621016
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 34
            [AMA] => 350673
            [Comp] => 56
            [FullName] => Josh Osby
            [Hometown] => Valparaiso, IN
            [TotalPoints] => 6
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 19
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 21
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 2
            [F05] => 21
            [FP05] => 21
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 4
            [F08] => 19
            [FP08] => 19
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [34] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818674
            [FkProfileID] => 3626215
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 35
            [AMA] => 143722
            [Comp] => 604
            [FullName] => Max Miller
            [Hometown] => Springfield, OR
            [TotalPoints] => 4
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 19
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 19
            [WorstPoints] => 4
            [LastFinish] => 19
            [LastRace] => S2265
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 4
            [F06] => 19
            [FP06] => 19
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [35] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818703
            [FkProfileID] => 3554212
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 36
            [AMA] => 137379
            [Comp] => 89
            [FullName] => Lane Shaw
            [Hometown] => Alvin, TX
            [TotalPoints] => 3
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 20
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S2275
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 3
            [F08] => 20
            [FP08] => 20
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [36] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818657
            [FkProfileID] => 3554195
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 37
            [AMA] => 139543
            [Comp] => 75
            [FullName] => Luke Neese
            [Hometown] => Jamestown, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 3
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 20
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 20
            [WorstPoints] => 3
            [LastFinish] => 20
            [LastRace] => S2255
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 3
            [F05] => 20
            [FP05] => 20
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [37] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818634
            [FkProfileID] => 3621023
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 38
            [AMA] => 143832
            [Comp] => 76
            [FullName] => Devin Simonson
            [Hometown] => Laurinburg, NC
            [TotalPoints] => 2
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 21
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 21
            [WorstPoints] => 2
            [LastFinish] => 21
            [LastRace] => S2250
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 2
            [F04] => 21
            [FP04] => 21
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [38] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818659
            [FkProfileID] => 3620397
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 39
            [AMA] => 144411
            [Comp] => 174
            [FullName] => Luca Marsalisi
            [Hometown] => Cairo, GA
            [TotalPoints] => 1
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 22
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2255
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 1
            [F05] => 22
            [FP05] => 22
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [39] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818552
            [FkProfileID] => 3626410
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 40
            [AMA] => 144681
            [Comp] => 36
            [FullName] => Max Vohland
            [Hometown] => Granite Bay, CA
            [TotalPoints] => 1
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 22
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2235
            [P01] => 1
            [F01] => 22
            [FP01] => 22
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 0
            [F06] => 0
            [FP06] => 
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [40] => Array
            [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818675
            [FkProfileID] => 3620333
            [FkClassID] => 53497
            [Year] => 2022
            [Class] => 2E
            [Position] => 41
            [AMA] => 350115
            [Comp] => 330
            [FullName] => Aj Catanzaro
            [Hometown] => Reston, VA
            [TotalPoints] => 1
            [Wins] => 0
            [BestFinish] => 22
            [NumBestFinish] => 1
            [SecondBestFinish] => 0
            [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
            [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
            [WorstFinish] => 22
            [WorstPoints] => 1
            [LastFinish] => 22
            [LastRace] => S2265
            [P01] => 0
            [F01] => 0
            [FP01] => 
            [P02] => 0
            [F02] => 0
            [FP02] => 
            [P03] => 0
            [F03] => 0
            [FP03] => 
            [P04] => 0
            [F04] => 0
            [FP04] => 
            [P05] => 0
            [F05] => 0
            [FP05] => 
            [P06] => 1
            [F06] => 22
            [FP06] => 22
            [P07] => 0
            [F07] => 0
            [FP07] => 
            [P08] => 0
            [F08] => 0
            [FP08] => 
            [P09] => 0
            [F09] => 0
            [FP09] => 
            [P10] => 0
            [F10] => 0
            [FP10] => 
            [P11] => 0
            [F11] => 0
            [FP11] => 
            [P12] => 0
            [F12] => 0
            [FP12] => 
            [P13] => 0
            [F13] => 0
            [FP13] => 
            [P14] => 0
            [F14] => 0
            [FP14] => 
            [P15] => 0
            [F15] => 0
            [FP15] => 
            [P16] => 0
            [F16] => 0
            [FP16] => 
            [P17] => 0
            [F17] => 0
            [FP17] => 
            [P18] => 0
            [F18] => 0
            [FP18] => 
            [P19] => 0
            [F19] => 0
            [FP19] => 
            [P20] => 0
            [F20] => 0
            [FP20] => 
            [P21] => 0
            [F21] => 0
            [FP21] => 
            [P22] => 0
            [F22] => 0
            [FP22] => 
            [P23] => 0
            [F23] => 0
            [FP23] => 
            [P24] => 0
            [F24] => 0
            [FP24] => 
            [P25] => 0
            [F25] => 0
            [FP25] => 
            [P26] => 0
            [F26] => 0
            [FP26] => 
            [P27] => 0
            [F27] => 0
            [FP27] => 
            [P28] => 0
            [F28] => 0
            [FP28] => 
            [P29] => 0
            [F29] => 0
            [FP29] => 
            [P30] => 0
            [F30] => 0
            [FP30] => 
            [Sanction01] => S2235
            [Sanction02] => S2240
            [Sanction03] => S2245
            [Sanction04] => S2250
            [Sanction05] => S2255
            [Sanction06] => S2265
            [Sanction07] => S2270
            [Sanction08] => S2275
            [Sanction09] => S2285
            [Sanction10] => 
            [Sanction11] => 
            [Sanction12] => 
            [Sanction13] => 
            [Sanction14] => 
            [Sanction15] => 
            [Sanction16] => 
            [Sanction17] => 
            [Sanction18] => 
            [Sanction19] => 
            [Sanction20] => 
            [Sanction21] => 
            [Sanction22] => 
            [Sanction23] => 
            [Sanction24] => 
            [Sanction25] => 
            [Sanction26] => 
            [Sanction27] => 
            [Sanction28] => 
            [Sanction29] => 
            [Sanction30] => 
            [RNum01] => 1
            [RNum02] => 1
            [RNum03] => 1
            [RNum04] => 1
            [RNum05] => 1
            [RNum06] => 1
            [RNum07] => 1
            [RNum08] => 1
            [RNum09] => 1
            [RNum10] => 0
            [RNum11] => 0
            [RNum12] => 0
            [RNum13] => 0
            [RNum14] => 0
            [RNum15] => 0
            [RNum16] => 0
            [RNum17] => 0
            [RNum18] => 0
            [RNum19] => 0
            [RNum20] => 0
            [RNum21] => 0
            [RNum22] => 0
            [RNum23] => 0
            [RNum24] => 0
            [RNum25] => 0
            [RNum26] => 0
            [RNum27] => 0
            [RNum28] => 0
            [RNum29] => 0
            [RNum30] => 0
            [LL01] => 
            [LL02] => 
            [LL03] => 
            [LL04] => 
            [LL05] => 
            [LL06] => 
            [LL07] => 
            [LL08] => 
            [LL09] => 
            [LL10] => 
            [LL11] => 
            [LL12] => 
            [LL13] => 
            [LL14] => 
            [LL15] => 
            [LL16] => 
            [LL17] => 
            [LL18] => 
            [LL19] => 
            [LL20] => 
            [LL21] => 
            [LL22] => 
            [LL23] => 
            [LL24] => 
            [LL25] => 
            [LL26] => 
            [LL27] => 
            [LL28] => 
            [LL29] => 
            [LL30] => 
            [BQ01] => 
            [BQ02] => 
            [BQ03] => 
            [BQ04] => 
            [BQ05] => 
            [BQ06] => 
            [BQ07] => 
            [BQ08] => 
            [BQ09] => 
            [BQ10] => 
            [BQ11] => 
            [BQ12] => 
            [BQ13] => 
            [BQ14] => 
            [BQ15] => 
            [BQ16] => 
            [BQ17] => 
            [BQ18] => 
            [BQ19] => 
            [BQ20] => 
            [BQ21] => 
            [BQ22] => 
            [BQ23] => 
            [BQ24] => 
            [BQ26] => 
            [BQ27] => 
            [BQ25] => 
            [BQ28] => 
            [BQ29] => 
            [BQ30] => 
            [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]

    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818531
    [FkProfileID] => 3554187
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 1
    [AMA] => 142107
    [Comp] => 18
    [FullName] => Jett Lawrence
    [Hometown] => Zephyrhills, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 192
    [Wins] => 4
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 4
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 3
    [WorstPoints] => 21
    [LastFinish] => 2
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 26
    [F01] => 1
    [FP01] => 1
    [P02] => 21
    [F02] => 3
    [FP02] => 3
    [P03] => 26
    [F03] => 1
    [FP03] => 1
    [P04] => 26
    [F04] => 1
    [FP04] => 1
    [P05] => 26
    [F05] => 1
    [FP05] => 1
    [P06] => 23
    [F06] => 2
    [FP06] => 2
    [P07] => 21
    [F07] => 3
    [FP07] => 3
    [P08] => 23
    [F08] => 2
    [FP08] => 2
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => X
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => X
    [LL04] => X
    [LL05] => X
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818535
    [FkProfileID] => 3626355
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 2
    [AMA] => 134378
    [Comp] => 24
    [FullName] => Rj Hampshire
    [Hometown] => Minneola, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 158
    [Wins] => 1
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 3
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 16
    [WorstPoints] => 7
    [LastFinish] => 4
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 18
    [F01] => 5
    [FP01] => 5
    [P02] => 7
    [F02] => 16
    [FP02] => 16
    [P03] => 16
    [F03] => 7
    [FP03] => 7
    [P04] => 19
    [F04] => 4
    [FP04] => 4
    [P05] => 21
    [F05] => 3
    [FP05] => 3
    [P06] => 26
    [F06] => 1
    [FP06] => 1
    [P07] => 15
    [F07] => 8
    [FP07] => 8
    [P08] => 17
    [F08] => 6
    [FP08] => 6
    [P09] => 19
    [F09] => 4
    [FP09] => 4
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => X
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818536
    [FkProfileID] => 3626350
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 3
    [AMA] => 141940
    [Comp] => 44
    [FullName] => Pierce Brown
    [Hometown] => Sandy, UT
    [TotalPoints] => 149
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 3
    [NumBestFinish] => 3
    [SecondBestFinish] => 4
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 16
    [WorstPoints] => 7
    [LastFinish] => 3
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 17
    [F01] => 6
    [FP01] => 6
    [P02] => 11
    [F02] => 12
    [FP02] => 12
    [P03] => 19
    [F03] => 4
    [FP03] => 4
    [P04] => 21
    [F04] => 3
    [FP04] => 3
    [P05] => 19
    [F05] => 4
    [FP05] => 4
    [P06] => 7
    [F06] => 16
    [FP06] => 16
    [P07] => 13
    [F07] => 10
    [FP07] => 10
    [P08] => 21
    [F08] => 3
    [FP08] => 3
    [P09] => 21
    [F09] => 3
    [FP09] => 3
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => X
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => X
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => X
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => X
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818587
    [FkProfileID] => 3554288
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 4
    [AMA] => 350025
    [Comp] => 54
    [FullName] => Mitchell Oldenburg
    [Hometown] => Aledo, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 132
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 3
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 4
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 13
    [WorstPoints] => 10
    [LastFinish] => 13
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 19
    [F02] => 4
    [FP02] => 4
    [P03] => 14
    [F03] => 9
    [FP03] => 9
    [P04] => 17
    [F04] => 6
    [FP04] => 6
    [P05] => 18
    [F05] => 5
    [FP05] => 5
    [P06] => 21
    [F06] => 3
    [FP06] => 3
    [P07] => 14
    [F07] => 9
    [FP07] => 9
    [P08] => 19
    [F08] => 4
    [FP08] => 4
    [P09] => 10
    [F09] => 13
    [FP09] => 13
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818538
    [FkProfileID] => 3620348
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 5
    [AMA] => 350464
    [Comp] => 80
    [FullName] => Enzo Lopes
    [Hometown] => Indian Trail, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 117
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 5
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 6
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 15
    [F01] => 8
    [FP01] => 8
    [P02] => 17
    [F02] => 6
    [FP02] => 6
    [P03] => 18
    [F03] => 5
    [FP03] => 5
    [P04] => 14
    [F04] => 9
    [FP04] => 9
    [P05] => 17
    [F05] => 6
    [FP05] => 6
    [P06] => 11
    [F06] => 12
    [FP06] => 12
    [P07] => 8
    [F07] => 15
    [FP07] => 15
    [P08] => 16
    [F08] => 7
    [FP08] => 7
    [P09] => 1
    [F09] => 22
    [FP09] => 22
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818543
    [FkProfileID] => 3554215
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 6
    [AMA] => 135315
    [Comp] => 90
    [FullName] => Jordon Smith
    [Hometown] => Ochlocknee, GA
    [TotalPoints] => 116
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 5
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 6
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 14
    [WorstPoints] => 9
    [LastFinish] => 11
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 10
    [F01] => 13
    [FP01] => 13
    [P02] => 18
    [F02] => 5
    [FP02] => 5
    [P03] => 17
    [F03] => 6
    [FP03] => 6
    [P04] => 18
    [F04] => 5
    [FP04] => 5
    [P05] => 15
    [F05] => 8
    [FP05] => 8
    [P06] => 17
    [F06] => 6
    [FP06] => 6
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 9
    [F08] => 14
    [FP08] => 14
    [P09] => 12
    [F09] => 11
    [FP09] => 11
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818533
    [FkProfileID] => 3554286
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 7
    [AMA] => 350903
    [Comp] => 48
    [FullName] => Cameron McAdoo
    [Hometown] => Sioux City, IA
    [TotalPoints] => 114
    [Wins] => 1
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 3
    [WorstPoints] => 21
    [LastFinish] => 2
    [LastRace] => S2255
    [P01] => 21
    [F01] => 3
    [FP01] => 3
    [P02] => 26
    [F02] => 1
    [FP02] => 1
    [P03] => 21
    [F03] => 3
    [FP03] => 3
    [P04] => 23
    [F04] => 2
    [FP04] => 2
    [P05] => 23
    [F05] => 2
    [FP05] => 2
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => X
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818541
    [FkProfileID] => 3620354
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 8
    [AMA] => 132165
    [Comp] => 81
    [FullName] => Jace Owen
    [Hometown] => Mattoon, IL
    [TotalPoints] => 101
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 7
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 9
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 6
    [LastFinish] => 12
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 8
    [F01] => 11
    [FP01] => 11
    [P02] => 12
    [F02] => 11
    [FP02] => 11
    [P03] => 12
    [F03] => 11
    [FP03] => 11
    [P04] => 9
    [F04] => 14
    [FP04] => 14
    [P05] => 14
    [F05] => 9
    [FP05] => 9
    [P06] => 16
    [F06] => 7
    [FP06] => 7
    [P07] => 6
    [F07] => 17
    [FP07] => 17
    [P08] => 13
    [F08] => 10
    [FP08] => 10
    [P09] => 11
    [F09] => 12
    [FP09] => 12
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818532
    [FkProfileID] => 3626444
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 9
    [AMA] => 136561
    [Comp] => 33
    [FullName] => Austin Forkner
    [Hometown] => Richards, MO
    [TotalPoints] => 98
    [Wins] => 1
    [BestFinish] => 1
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 2
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 7
    [WorstPoints] => 16
    [LastFinish] => 6
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 23
    [F01] => 2
    [FP01] => 2
    [P02] => 16
    [F02] => 7
    [FP02] => 7
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 16
    [F07] => 7
    [FP07] => 7
    [P08] => 26
    [F08] => 1
    [FP08] => 1
    [P09] => 17
    [F09] => 6
    [FP09] => 6
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => X
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818542
    [FkProfileID] => 3626353
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 10
    [AMA] => 141261
    [Comp] => 331
    [FullName] => Derek Drake
    [Hometown] => Lake Elsinore, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 88
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 11
    [NumBestFinish] => 3
    [SecondBestFinish] => 12
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 14
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 11
    [F01] => 12
    [FP01] => 12
    [P02] => 10
    [F02] => 13
    [FP02] => 13
    [P03] => 4
    [F03] => 19
    [FP03] => 19
    [P04] => 12
    [F04] => 11
    [FP04] => 11
    [P05] => 12
    [F05] => 11
    [FP05] => 11
    [P06] => 12
    [F06] => 11
    [FP06] => 11
    [P07] => 7
    [F07] => 16
    [FP07] => 16
    [P08] => 11
    [F08] => 12
    [FP08] => 12
    [P09] => 9
    [F09] => 14
    [FP09] => 14
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818550
    [FkProfileID] => 3626214
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 11
    [AMA] => 143720
    [Comp] => 38
    [FullName] => Joshua Varize
    [Hometown] => Perris, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 78
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 8
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 10
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 8
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 3
    [F01] => 20
    [FP01] => 20
    [P02] => 8
    [F02] => 15
    [FP02] => 15
    [P03] => 13
    [F03] => 10
    [FP03] => 10
    [P04] => 13
    [F04] => 10
    [FP04] => 10
    [P05] => 11
    [F05] => 12
    [FP05] => 12
    [P06] => 15
    [F06] => 8
    [FP06] => 8
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 15
    [F08] => 8
    [FP08] => 8
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818540
    [FkProfileID] => 3620916
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 12
    [AMA] => 301038
    [Comp] => 715
    [FullName] => Phillip Nicoletti
    [Hometown] => Bethel, NY
    [TotalPoints] => 76
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 5
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 7
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 10
    [WorstPoints] => 13
    [LastFinish] => 5
    [LastRace] => S2265
    [P01] => 13
    [F01] => 10
    [FP01] => 10
    [P02] => 14
    [F02] => 9
    [FP02] => 9
    [P03] => 15
    [F03] => 8
    [FP03] => 8
    [P04] => 16
    [F04] => 7
    [FP04] => 7
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 18
    [F06] => 5
    [FP06] => 5
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818537
    [FkProfileID] => 3626364
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 13
    [AMA] => 143778
    [Comp] => 50
    [FullName] => Stilez Robertson
    [Hometown] => Bakersfield, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 67
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 2
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 7
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 10
    [WorstPoints] => 13
    [LastFinish] => 8
    [LastRace] => S2250
    [P01] => 16
    [F01] => 7
    [FP01] => 7
    [P02] => 13
    [F02] => 10
    [FP02] => 10
    [P03] => 23
    [F03] => 2
    [FP03] => 2
    [P04] => 15
    [F04] => 8
    [FP04] => 8
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818633
    [FkProfileID] => 3620299
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 14
    [AMA] => 301721
    [Comp] => 11
    [FullName] => Kyle Chisholm
    [Hometown] => Valrico, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 64
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 4
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 5
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 12
    [WorstPoints] => 11
    [LastFinish] => 5
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 11
    [F04] => 12
    [FP04] => 12
    [P05] => 16
    [F05] => 7
    [FP05] => 7
    [P06] => 19
    [F06] => 4
    [FP06] => 4
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 18
    [F08] => 5
    [FP08] => 5
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818545
    [FkProfileID] => 3554155
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 15
    [AMA] => 145563
    [Comp] => 140
    [FullName] => Cullin Park
    [Hometown] => Clermont, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 56
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 9
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 10
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 16
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 8
    [F01] => 15
    [FP01] => 15
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 5
    [F03] => 18
    [FP03] => 18
    [P04] => 4
    [F04] => 19
    [FP04] => 19
    [P05] => 13
    [F05] => 10
    [FP05] => 10
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 5
    [F07] => 18
    [FP07] => 18
    [P08] => 14
    [F08] => 9
    [FP08] => 9
    [P09] => 7
    [F09] => 16
    [FP09] => 16
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818588
    [FkProfileID] => 3554213
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 16
    [AMA] => 134377
    [Comp] => 72
    [FullName] => John Short
    [Hometown] => Pilot Point, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 54
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 9
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 12
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 14
    [WorstPoints] => 9
    [LastFinish] => 13
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 9
    [F02] => 14
    [FP02] => 14
    [P03] => 11
    [F03] => 12
    [FP03] => 12
    [P04] => 10
    [F04] => 13
    [FP04] => 13
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 14
    [F06] => 9
    [FP06] => 9
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 10
    [F08] => 13
    [FP08] => 13
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818534
    [FkProfileID] => 3621015
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 17
    [AMA] => 129074
    [Comp] => 6
    [FullName] => Jeremy Martin
    [Hometown] => Rochester, MN
    [TotalPoints] => 42
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 2
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 4
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 4
    [WorstPoints] => 19
    [LastFinish] => 2
    [LastRace] => S2240
    [P01] => 19
    [F01] => 4
    [FP01] => 4
    [P02] => 23
    [F02] => 2
    [FP02] => 2
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818544
    [FkProfileID] => 3626195
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 18
    [AMA] => 137785
    [Comp] => 129
    [FullName] => Henry Miller
    [Hometown] => Rochester, MN
    [TotalPoints] => 41
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 13
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 14
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 6
    [LastFinish] => 15
    [LastRace] => S2255
    [P01] => 9
    [F01] => 14
    [FP01] => 14
    [P02] => 6
    [F02] => 17
    [FP02] => 17
    [P03] => 10
    [F03] => 13
    [FP03] => 13
    [P04] => 8
    [F04] => 15
    [FP04] => 15
    [P05] => 8
    [F05] => 15
    [FP05] => 15
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818548
    [FkProfileID] => 3621020
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 19
    [AMA] => 133331
    [Comp] => 285
    [FullName] => Marshal Weltin
    [Hometown] => Ubly, MI
    [TotalPoints] => 39
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 11
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 13
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 21
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 5
    [F01] => 18
    [FP01] => 18
    [P02] => 5
    [F02] => 18
    [FP02] => 18
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 5
    [F04] => 18
    [FP04] => 18
    [P05] => 10
    [F05] => 13
    [FP05] => 13
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 12
    [F08] => 11
    [FP08] => 11
    [P09] => 2
    [F09] => 21
    [FP09] => 21
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818551
    [FkProfileID] => 3620339
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 20
    [AMA] => 350475
    [Comp] => 39
    [FullName] => Jarrett Frye
    [Hometown] => Mechanicsville, MD
    [TotalPoints] => 35
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 15
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 17
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S2285
    [P01] => 2
    [F01] => 21
    [FP01] => 21
    [P02] => 4
    [F02] => 19
    [FP02] => 19
    [P03] => 3
    [F03] => 20
    [FP03] => 20
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 6
    [F05] => 17
    [FP05] => 17
    [P06] => 8
    [F06] => 15
    [FP06] => 15
    [P07] => 3
    [F07] => 20
    [FP07] => 20
    [P08] => 6
    [F08] => 17
    [FP08] => 17
    [P09] => 3
    [F09] => 20
    [FP09] => 20
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818549
    [FkProfileID] => 3620356
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 21
    [AMA] => 127279
    [Comp] => 52
    [FullName] => Kyle Peters
    [Hometown] => Greensboro, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 25
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 8
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 18
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 18
    [LastRace] => S2265
    [P01] => 4
    [F01] => 19
    [FP01] => 19
    [P02] => 15
    [F02] => 8
    [FP02] => 8
    [P03] => 1
    [F03] => 22
    [FP03] => 22
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 5
    [F06] => 18
    [FP06] => 18
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818589
    [FkProfileID] => 3620332
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 22
    [AMA] => 143584
    [Comp] => 519
    [FullName] => Joshua Cartwright
    [Hometown] => Fort Worth, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 24
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 13
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 17
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 18
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 3
    [F02] => 20
    [FP02] => 20
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 6
    [F04] => 17
    [FP04] => 17
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 10
    [F06] => 13
    [FP06] => 13
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 5
    [F08] => 18
    [FP08] => 18
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818606
    [FkProfileID] => 3626237
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 23
    [AMA] => 143523
    [Comp] => 243
    [FullName] => Hardy Munoz
    [Hometown] => Kissimmee, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 23
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 14
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 20
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 9
    [F03] => 14
    [FP03] => 14
    [P04] => 3
    [F04] => 20
    [FP04] => 20
    [P05] => 9
    [F05] => 14
    [FP05] => 14
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 1
    [F07] => 22
    [FP07] => 22
    [P08] => 1
    [F08] => 22
    [FP08] => 22
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818673
    [FkProfileID] => 3620323
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 24
    [AMA] => 350271
    [Comp] => 70
    [FullName] => Ramyller Alves
    [Hometown] => Coconut Creek, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 17
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 10
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 21
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 2
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 21
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 13
    [F06] => 10
    [FP06] => 10
    [P07] => 2
    [F07] => 21
    [FP07] => 21
    [P08] => 2
    [F08] => 21
    [FP08] => 21
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818635
    [FkProfileID] => 3620342
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 25
    [AMA] => 142351
    [Comp] => 460
    [FullName] => Michael Hicks
    [Hometown] => Fenton, MO
    [TotalPoints] => 17
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 14
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 16
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 14
    [LastRace] => S2265
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 1
    [F04] => 22
    [FP04] => 22
    [P05] => 7
    [F05] => 16
    [FP05] => 16
    [P06] => 9
    [F06] => 14
    [FP06] => 14
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818546
    [FkProfileID] => 3620408
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 26
    [AMA] => 135269
    [Comp] => 63
    [FullName] => Jeremy Hand
    [Hometown] => Mantua, OH
    [TotalPoints] => 16
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 16
    [NumBestFinish] => 2
    [SecondBestFinish] => 21
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 21
    [LastRace] => S2265
    [P01] => 7
    [F01] => 16
    [FP01] => 16
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 7
    [F04] => 16
    [FP04] => 16
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 2
    [F06] => 21
    [FP06] => 21
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818539
    [FkProfileID] => 3620983
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 27
    [AMA] => 144406
    [Comp] => 59
    [FullName] => Levi Kitchen
    [Hometown] => Washougal, WA
    [TotalPoints] => 15
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 9
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 22
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2240
    [P01] => 14
    [F01] => 9
    [FP01] => 9
    [P02] => 1
    [F02] => 22
    [FP02] => 22
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818610
    [FkProfileID] => 3620914
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 28
    [AMA] => 351279
    [Comp] => 192
    [FullName] => Jack Chambers
    [Hometown] => Auburndale, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 15
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 16
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 17
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 16
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 2
    [F03] => 21
    [FP03] => 21
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 6
    [F06] => 17
    [FP06] => 17
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 7
    [F08] => 16
    [FP08] => 16
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818608
    [FkProfileID] => 3620406
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 29
    [AMA] => 350489
    [Comp] => 194
    [FullName] => Lance Kobusch
    [Hometown] => Malakoff, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 15
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 16
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 18
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S2265
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 7
    [F03] => 16
    [FP03] => 16
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 5
    [F05] => 18
    [FP05] => 18
    [P06] => 3
    [F06] => 20
    [FP06] => 20
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818656
    [FkProfileID] => 3625687
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 30
    [AMA] => 144585
    [Comp] => 508
    [FullName] => Hunter Yoder
    [Hometown] => Menifee, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 12
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 15
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 19
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 15
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 4
    [F05] => 19
    [FP05] => 19
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 8
    [F08] => 15
    [FP08] => 15
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818607
    [FkProfileID] => 3554181
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 31
    [AMA] => 141096
    [Comp] => 65
    [FullName] => Grant Harlan
    [Hometown] => Kailua Kona Hawaii
    [TotalPoints] => 8
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 15
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 15
    [WorstPoints] => 8
    [LastFinish] => 15
    [LastRace] => S2245
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 8
    [F03] => 15
    [FP03] => 15
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818547
    [FkProfileID] => 3554041
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 32
    [AMA] => 136869
    [Comp] => 37
    [FullName] => Coty Schock
    [Hometown] => Dover, DE
    [TotalPoints] => 8
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 17
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 21
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 21
    [LastRace] => S2240
    [P01] => 6
    [F01] => 17
    [FP01] => 17
    [P02] => 2
    [F02] => 21
    [FP02] => 21
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818609
    [FkProfileID] => 3625858
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 33
    [AMA] => 139236
    [Comp] => 247
    [FullName] => Brock Papi
    [Hometown] => CLERMONT, FL
    [TotalPoints] => 6
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 17
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 17
    [WorstPoints] => 6
    [LastFinish] => 17
    [LastRace] => S2245
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 6
    [F03] => 17
    [FP03] => 17
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818658
    [FkProfileID] => 3621016
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 34
    [AMA] => 350673
    [Comp] => 56
    [FullName] => Josh Osby
    [Hometown] => Valparaiso, IN
    [TotalPoints] => 6
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 19
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 21
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 1
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 2
    [F05] => 21
    [FP05] => 21
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 4
    [F08] => 19
    [FP08] => 19
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818674
    [FkProfileID] => 3626215
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 35
    [AMA] => 143722
    [Comp] => 604
    [FullName] => Max Miller
    [Hometown] => Springfield, OR
    [TotalPoints] => 4
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 19
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 19
    [WorstPoints] => 4
    [LastFinish] => 19
    [LastRace] => S2265
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 4
    [F06] => 19
    [FP06] => 19
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818703
    [FkProfileID] => 3554212
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 36
    [AMA] => 137379
    [Comp] => 89
    [FullName] => Lane Shaw
    [Hometown] => Alvin, TX
    [TotalPoints] => 3
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 20
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S2275
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 3
    [F08] => 20
    [FP08] => 20
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818657
    [FkProfileID] => 3554195
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 37
    [AMA] => 139543
    [Comp] => 75
    [FullName] => Luke Neese
    [Hometown] => Jamestown, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 3
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 20
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 20
    [WorstPoints] => 3
    [LastFinish] => 20
    [LastRace] => S2255
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 3
    [F05] => 20
    [FP05] => 20
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818634
    [FkProfileID] => 3621023
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 38
    [AMA] => 143832
    [Comp] => 76
    [FullName] => Devin Simonson
    [Hometown] => Laurinburg, NC
    [TotalPoints] => 2
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 21
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 21
    [WorstPoints] => 2
    [LastFinish] => 21
    [LastRace] => S2250
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 2
    [F04] => 21
    [FP04] => 21
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818659
    [FkProfileID] => 3620397
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 39
    [AMA] => 144411
    [Comp] => 174
    [FullName] => Luca Marsalisi
    [Hometown] => Cairo, GA
    [TotalPoints] => 1
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 22
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2255
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 1
    [F05] => 22
    [FP05] => 22
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818552
    [FkProfileID] => 3626410
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 40
    [AMA] => 144681
    [Comp] => 36
    [FullName] => Max Vohland
    [Hometown] => Granite Bay, CA
    [TotalPoints] => 1
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 22
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2235
    [P01] => 1
    [F01] => 22
    [FP01] => 22
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 0
    [F06] => 0
    [FP06] => 
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
    [PkPointSummaryID] => 1818675
    [FkProfileID] => 3620333
    [FkClassID] => 53497
    [Year] => 2022
    [Class] => 2E
    [Position] => 41
    [AMA] => 350115
    [Comp] => 330
    [FullName] => Aj Catanzaro
    [Hometown] => Reston, VA
    [TotalPoints] => 1
    [Wins] => 0
    [BestFinish] => 22
    [NumBestFinish] => 1
    [SecondBestFinish] => 0
    [NumSecondBestFinish] => 0
    [ThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [NumThirdBestFinish] => 0
    [WorstFinish] => 22
    [WorstPoints] => 1
    [LastFinish] => 22
    [LastRace] => S2265
    [P01] => 0
    [F01] => 0
    [FP01] => 
    [P02] => 0
    [F02] => 0
    [FP02] => 
    [P03] => 0
    [F03] => 0
    [FP03] => 
    [P04] => 0
    [F04] => 0
    [FP04] => 
    [P05] => 0
    [F05] => 0
    [FP05] => 
    [P06] => 1
    [F06] => 22
    [FP06] => 22
    [P07] => 0
    [F07] => 0
    [FP07] => 
    [P08] => 0
    [F08] => 0
    [FP08] => 
    [P09] => 0
    [F09] => 0
    [FP09] => 
    [P10] => 0
    [F10] => 0
    [FP10] => 
    [P11] => 0
    [F11] => 0
    [FP11] => 
    [P12] => 0
    [F12] => 0
    [FP12] => 
    [P13] => 0
    [F13] => 0
    [FP13] => 
    [P14] => 0
    [F14] => 0
    [FP14] => 
    [P15] => 0
    [F15] => 0
    [FP15] => 
    [P16] => 0
    [F16] => 0
    [FP16] => 
    [P17] => 0
    [F17] => 0
    [FP17] => 
    [P18] => 0
    [F18] => 0
    [FP18] => 
    [P19] => 0
    [F19] => 0
    [FP19] => 
    [P20] => 0
    [F20] => 0
    [FP20] => 
    [P21] => 0
    [F21] => 0
    [FP21] => 
    [P22] => 0
    [F22] => 0
    [FP22] => 
    [P23] => 0
    [F23] => 0
    [FP23] => 
    [P24] => 0
    [F24] => 0
    [FP24] => 
    [P25] => 0
    [F25] => 0
    [FP25] => 
    [P26] => 0
    [F26] => 0
    [FP26] => 
    [P27] => 0
    [F27] => 0
    [FP27] => 
    [P28] => 0
    [F28] => 0
    [FP28] => 
    [P29] => 0
    [F29] => 0
    [FP29] => 
    [P30] => 0
    [F30] => 0
    [FP30] => 
    [Sanction01] => S2235
    [Sanction02] => S2240
    [Sanction03] => S2245
    [Sanction04] => S2250
    [Sanction05] => S2255
    [Sanction06] => S2265
    [Sanction07] => S2270
    [Sanction08] => S2275
    [Sanction09] => S2285
    [Sanction10] => 
    [Sanction11] => 
    [Sanction12] => 
    [Sanction13] => 
    [Sanction14] => 
    [Sanction15] => 
    [Sanction16] => 
    [Sanction17] => 
    [Sanction18] => 
    [Sanction19] => 
    [Sanction20] => 
    [Sanction21] => 
    [Sanction22] => 
    [Sanction23] => 
    [Sanction24] => 
    [Sanction25] => 
    [Sanction26] => 
    [Sanction27] => 
    [Sanction28] => 
    [Sanction29] => 
    [Sanction30] => 
    [RNum01] => 1
    [RNum02] => 1
    [RNum03] => 1
    [RNum04] => 1
    [RNum05] => 1
    [RNum06] => 1
    [RNum07] => 1
    [RNum08] => 1
    [RNum09] => 1
    [RNum10] => 0
    [RNum11] => 0
    [RNum12] => 0
    [RNum13] => 0
    [RNum14] => 0
    [RNum15] => 0
    [RNum16] => 0
    [RNum17] => 0
    [RNum18] => 0
    [RNum19] => 0
    [RNum20] => 0
    [RNum21] => 0
    [RNum22] => 0
    [RNum23] => 0
    [RNum24] => 0
    [RNum25] => 0
    [RNum26] => 0
    [RNum27] => 0
    [RNum28] => 0
    [RNum29] => 0
    [RNum30] => 0
    [LL01] => 
    [LL02] => 
    [LL03] => 
    [LL04] => 
    [LL05] => 
    [LL06] => 
    [LL07] => 
    [LL08] => 
    [LL09] => 
    [LL10] => 
    [LL11] => 
    [LL12] => 
    [LL13] => 
    [LL14] => 
    [LL15] => 
    [LL16] => 
    [LL17] => 
    [LL18] => 
    [LL19] => 
    [LL20] => 
    [LL21] => 
    [LL22] => 
    [LL23] => 
    [LL24] => 
    [LL25] => 
    [LL26] => 
    [LL27] => 
    [LL28] => 
    [LL29] => 
    [LL30] => 
    [BQ01] => 
    [BQ02] => 
    [BQ03] => 
    [BQ04] => 
    [BQ05] => 
    [BQ06] => 
    [BQ07] => 
    [BQ08] => 
    [BQ09] => 
    [BQ10] => 
    [BQ11] => 
    [BQ12] => 
    [BQ13] => 
    [BQ14] => 
    [BQ15] => 
    [BQ16] => 
    [BQ17] => 
    [BQ18] => 
    [BQ19] => 
    [BQ20] => 
    [BQ21] => 
    [BQ22] => 
    [BQ23] => 
    [BQ24] => 
    [BQ26] => 
    [BQ27] => 
    [BQ25] => 
    [BQ28] => 
    [BQ29] => 
    [BQ30] => 
    [HeadshotUrl] =>[email protected]
Atlanta Motor Speedway - Atlanta, GA
Round 14 Of 17 April 16, 2022
POS. # RIDER HOMETOWN POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Position 1 18 Jett Lawrence Zephyrhills, FL 169 26 21 26 26 26 23 21
Position 2 24 Rj Hampshire Minneola, FL 122 18 7 16 19 21 26 15
Position 3 48 Cameron McAdoo Sioux City, IA 114 21 26 21 23 23
Position 4 44 Pierce Brown Sandy, UT 107 17 11 19 21 19 7 13
Position 5 54 Mitchell Oldenburg Aledo, TX 103 19 14 17 18 21 14
Position 6 80 Enzo Lopes Indian Trail, NC 100 15 17 18 14 17 11 8
Position 7 90 Jordon Smith Ochlocknee, GA 95 10 18 17 18 15 17
Position 8 81 Jace Owen Mattoon, IL 77 8 12 12 9 14 16 6
Position 9 715 Phillip Nicoletti Bethel, NY 76 13 14 15 16 18
Position 10 331 Derek Drake Lake Elsinore, CA 68 11 10 4 12 12 12 7
Position 11 50 Stilez Robertson Bakersfield, CA 67 16 13 23 15
Position 12 38 Joshua Varize Perris, CA 63 3 8 13 13 11 15
Position 13 33 Austin Forkner Richards, MO 55 23 16 16
Position 14 11 Kyle Chisholm Valrico, FL 46 11 16 19
Position 15 72 John Short Pilot Point, TX 44 9 11 10 14
Position 16 6 Jeremy Martin Rochester, MN 42 19 23
Position 17 129 Henry Miller Rochester, MN 41 9 6 10 8 8
Position 18 140 Cullin Park Clermont, FL 35 8 5 4 13 5
Position 19 39 Jarrett Frye Mechanicsville, MD 26 2 4 3 6 8 3
Position 20 285 Marshal Weltin Ubly, MI 25 5 5 5 10
Position 21 52 Kyle Peters Greensboro, NC 25 4 15 1 5
Position 22 243 Hardy Munoz Kissimmee, FL 22 9 3 9 1
Position 23 519 Joshua Cartwright Fort Worth, TX 19 3 6 10
Position 24 460 Michael Hicks Fenton, MO 17 1 7 9
Position 25 63 Jeremy Hand Mantua, OH 16 7 7 2
Position 26 70 Ramyller Alves Coconut Creek, FL 15 13 2
Position 27 59 Levi Kitchen Washougal, WA 15 14 1
Position 28 194 Lance Kobusch Malakoff, TX 15 7 5 3
Position 29 192 Jack Chambers Auburndale, FL 8 2 6
Position 30 65 Grant Harlan Kailua Kona Hawaii 8 8
Position 31 37 Coty Schock Dover, DE 8 6 2
Position 32 247 Brock Papi CLERMONT, FL 6 6
Position 33 508 Hunter Yoder Menifee, CA 4 4
Position 34 604 Max Miller Springfield, OR 4 4
Position 35 75 Luke Neese Jamestown, NC 3 3
Position 36 56 Josh Osby Valparaiso, IN 2 2
Position 37 76 Devin Simonson Laurinburg, NC 2 2
Position 38 174 Luca Marsalisi Cairo, GA 1 1
Position 39 36 Max Vohland Granite Bay, CA 1 1
Position 40 330 Aj Catanzaro Reston, VA 1 1
Position 41 89 Lane Shaw Alvin, TX 0