There were a lot of great moments in the 2019 season. There are photos, videos and articles out there recapping all of them, but we know the Internet loves GIFs. So, here you go:

1. Away they go!

The start of the 2019 season finale in Las Vegas

Away they go!

2. Hey! Mind the camera!

We see you Chase Marquier…

Hey! Mind the camera!

3. What a save!

Nice moves by Sean Cantrell in Anaheim

What a save!

4. He’s wheelie happy about this one

Eli Tomac pulls a wheelie en route to winning in Denver

Eli Tomac wheelie

5. Webb’s near crash

Cooper Webb turns a near disaster into a pass on Tomac

Webb's near crash

6. Pixy Stix

Austin Forkner likes candy…

Pixy Stix

7. Yeah… I won

Webb delivers a message with a win over Ken Roczen at Anaheim

Yeah... I won

8. Closer this time…

Webb edges Roczen by 0.02 to the line in Arlington

Arlington finish

9. Unexpected champion

Dylan Ferrandis clinched the 250SX West title after Adam Cianciarulo crashed in Las Vegas

Dylan Ferrandis champion

10. Battle for KTM supremacy

The battle between Webb and Marvin Musquin came to a head in Houston

Battle for KTM supremacy